Du danger de la politique du rouble fort

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Sujet : Du danger de la politique du rouble fort
De : cardR (at) *nospam* gmail.com (Cardinal de Hère)
Groupes : fr.soc.politique fr.soc.economie
Date : 23. May 2022, 21:00:12
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Organisation : Ordre hospitalier de l'Alephun
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Selon l'économiste russe Denis Domashchenko un rouble trop fort risque d'entraver le développement de l'industrie de haute technologie en Russie. J'ai oublié le nom que l'on donne à cette maladie économique qui a affecté la Hollande après la découverte d'un gros gisement de gaz dans ce pays. C'est la même maladie économique qui a frappé l'Espagne, causée non pas par l'énergie mais par l'or de l'empire. Et c'est le même risque qui frappe la Russie aujourd'hui. Domashchenko propose de ne plus laisser flotter le cours du rouble mais de l'administrer, comme le font les Chinois. Je ne suis pas économiste mais je recommanderai plutôt à la Russie d'arrêter d'exporter de précieuses ressources non renouvelables qu'elle vend contre de l'argent dont elle n'a pas l'usage. Qu'elle ne le fasse que pour acquérir du savoir, des savoir-faire, des technologies et des machines qu'elle ne sait pas fabriquer. Ainsi elle parviendra à construire une industrie de très haute technologie sur son sol.
Economist points to downside of strong ruble
The Russian currency’s strength may negatively affect other sectors of the economy
The combination of a strong ruble and high oil prices will temporarily tame inflation, however, it also could accelerate consumer prices in the future, according to Doctor of Economics Denis Domashchenko, as quoted by the Russian business daily RBC.
The analyst warns that the dominance of energy sector revenues along with a firm national currency may evoke the so-called ‘Dutch disease’.
In economics, the ‘Dutch disease’ is the seemingly causal relationship between the increase in economic development of a specific sector and a decline in other sectors. It could emerge as the negative consequences that can arise from a spike in the value of a nation’s currency due to the rapid growth of the export of goods of one dominant industry, most commonly fossil fuels. At first, the influx of foreign currency reduces inflation in the country, but at the same time, it slows down the development of other industries and hinders economic growth, leading to price acceleration.
The term was first used in 1977 by The Economist to describe the decline of the manufacturing sector in the Netherlands after the discovery of the large Groningen natural gas field in 1959.
The recent strengthening of the Russian currency and increased revenues from the sale of energy products at high prices are risky for the development of the country’s economy in the long term, according to Domashchenko.
The economist warned that the ‘Dutch disease’ or the Groningen effect may manifest itself in the Russian economy, as a high exchange rate can provoke a backlog of high-tech sectors of the economy and lead to a delayed price increase.
According to Domaschenko, the establishment of a fixed ruble exchange rate instead of a floating bar that has been operating in Russia since 2014 would make it possible to strike a balance between inflation regulation and economic growth. The economist said that a similar mechanism previously helped to stabilize the economic situation in China.
On Monday, the ruble gained more than 6% against the euro to 58.75, reaching its strongest level since June 2015. Against the dollar, the Russian currency surged 4.6% to trade at 57.47, not far from the four-year high reached on Friday.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
23 May 22 * Du danger de la politique du rouble fort7Cardinal de Hère
24 May 22 `* Re: Du danger de la politique du rouble fort6alabenne
24 May 22  `* Re: Du danger de la politique du rouble fort5Cardinal de Hère
24 May 22   `* Re: Du danger de la politique du rouble fort4alabenne
24 May 22    +* Re: Du danger de la politique du rouble fort2Richard Hachel
24 May 22    i`- Re: Du danger de la politique du rouble fort1alabenne
24 May 22    `- Re: Du danger de la politique du rouble fort1Cardinal de Hère

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