Difference between Einsteinian Physics and Einstein-Free Physics

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Sujet : Difference between Einsteinian Physics and Einstein-Free Physics
De : pentcho.valev (at) *nospam* gmail.com (Pentcho Valev)
Groupes : fr.sci.astrophysique
Date : 22. Aug 2022, 12:42:34
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As the observer starts moving towards the light source with speed v https://youtube.com/watch?v=bg7O4rtlwEE, the frequency at the observer shifts from f=c/d to f'=(c+v)/d, where d is the distance between subsequent light pulses. This result is acceptable in both Einsteinian physics and Einstein-free physics, but then there is a difference:

Einsteinian physics: The distance between subsequent pulses shifts from d to d'=dc/(c+v) so that the speed of the pulses relative to the moving observer can gloriously remain unchanged.

Einstein-free physics: The distance between subsequent pulses remains unchanged. The speed of the pulses relative to the moving observer shifts from c to c'=c+v.

Clearly Einsteinian physics is absurd while Einstein-free physics is reasonable.

See more here: https://twitter.com/pentcho_valev

Pentcho Valev

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 Aug 22 o Difference between Einsteinian Physics and Einstein-Free Physics1Pentcho Valev

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