Re: Why disable NEWNEWS?

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Sujet : Re: Why disable NEWNEWS?
De : rayban (at) *nospam* (Ray Banana)
Groupes : news.admin.peering
Date : 14. Mar 2024, 11:32:00
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Organisation : A noiseless patient spider
Message-ID : <>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : Plonkenlights
Thus spake Marco Moock <>
Am 13.03.2024 schrieb immibis <>:
I noticed that NEWNEWS is disabled on a lot of servers, including
eternal-september. It seems like it would be a sensible way to run a
leafnode or a peer that is not always online. What's the reason it is
so often disabled?

Server performance considerations.

NNRP uses POST to inject articles.
Leafnode/Hamster can also use that, they are not like NNTP server to
their upstream.

NEWNEWS has nothing to do with injecting articles:

Пу́тін — хуйло́

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Mar 24 * Why disable NEWNEWS?5immibis
14 Mar 24 +* Re: Why disable NEWNEWS?2llp
14 Mar 24 i`- Re: Why disable NEWNEWS?1immibis
14 Mar 24 `* Re: Why disable NEWNEWS?2Marco Moock
14 Mar 24  `- Re: Why disable NEWNEWS?1Ray Banana

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