Re: Is a PIP for Syntax extensions necessary? (Was; post-N246 Read- and Write-Option variable_names/1)

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Sujet : Re: Is a PIP for Syntax extensions necessary? (Was; post-N246 Read- and Write-Option variable_names/1)
De : janburse (at) *nospam* (Mild Shock)
Groupes : comp.lang.prolog
Date : 11. Aug 2024, 00:25:22
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Message-ID : <v98pcg$12bjs$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6
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 > import janus_swi as janus
 > janus.query_once("Y is X+1", {"X":1})
{'Y': 2, 'truth': True}
Ok, my bad the above is Python code and
not Prolog code, right? But how does XSB do it?
Ok the docu say:
Compatibility to the XSB Janus implementation
For this reason we support creating a Python
dict both from a SWI-Prolog dict and from the
Prolog term py({k1:v1, k2:v2, ...}) .
Does this affirm or reject the need for syntax
extension PIP? Why not just use “new” dicts on
both sides? Forget about the py tag, its anyway
always py. Does XSB “new” dict wrapped
in py compound have access and modification
operations? Wouldn’t it be enough to provide
operations without the py compound wrapping.
Mild Shock schrieb:
So we have two victims in 2024, two
things died in 2024, are pepsi now:
 - Scryer Prolog
 - SWI-Prolog Dicts
 Mild Shock schrieb:
Anything that touches or depends on syntax
is a complete can of worms. The ISO commitee
was not able to find an initial *english natural
language specification wording* for character
look-ahead, so that we find now character
look-ahead in Prolog compounds practially
implemented by all Prolog systems, but character
look-ahead interpretation may differ for
negative numbers, like here:
/* SWI-Prolog */
?- X = - 1^2, write_canonical(X), nl.
/* Scryer Prolog */
?- X = - 1^2, write_canonical(X), nl.
But in the case of Scryer Prolog it doesn't
matter, since Scryer Prolog is anyway dead.
Mild Shock schrieb:
I have a question, does SWI-Prolog not anymore use
their dict syntax in the Janus interface:
 > import janus_swi as janus
 > janus.query_once("Y is X+1", {"X":1})
{'Y': 2, 'truth': True}
I don’t see _{...} anymore. When and how did this
happen? I was just thinking whether a Syntax
extension PIP is necessary. Such a PIP isn’t listed:
Is SWI-Prolog safe, against parsing problems,
when it still has block operators in the
background? Like can one mix and match
code that uses Janus interface with the
“new” dicts with other code that uses the
SWI-Prolog dicts based on _{...}
which we might now term the “old” dicts.
How do you access and manipulate the
“new” dicts, do the “old” operations work?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 Nov 24 o 

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