Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)

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Sujet : Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)
De : physfitfreak (at) *nospam* (Physfitfreak)
Groupes : sci.physics comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 03. May 2024, 10:03:58
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I don't watch TV, don't even have one. Did the TV news cover what happened shortly after midnight in Portland to those police cars? I didn't see anything about it in Google News and other usual media news, Fox News, etc.
15 police cars got burnt. Somebody or some group is saying something. 15 is way different from 1 or 2 or 3.
A hit on 15 vehicles at the same address and time is something that happens in wars, not civil crimes.
So somebody or some group at last has got really pissed, risking their lives ruined if caught. They'll end up where Ross Ulbricht is, if caught. I hope they're not very young.
Google News will not help you until you know the news before hand. When I type in the search box, "Portland", it doesn't come up. When I type in, "Portland police", it doesn't come up. When I type in, "Portland police cars", it doesn't come up. Only when I type in, "Portland police cars burned" it comes up! So you have to know the news to find the news!
That's Google for you.
I saw it Thursday morning in an Arab woman's telegram channel news blogs, and waited for it to appear in main media in the internet but nothing happened as far as I know.
After you type in, "Portland police cars burned" then you'll see the earliest news of it was posted by main media online form of their news at around 2 pm Thursday, which is way too late. So the main media must've waited until the last moment when the local reports of it began spreading when they decided to cover it. 10 hours after the fact!...
The figure of 15 is the minimum. They say "at least 15". So there may be more and they don't want to say. Also the type of vehicles involved is not disclosed, and the picture shared shows two ordinary police sedans burning. Also they refer to the perpetrators as "anarchists"; i.e. same Mossad type of switching words, although the short message they've sent to the police connects them to student anti-genocide demonstrators who are still continuing right now.
Anarchists!... Hehe :) So police drawing blood of peaceful demonstrators and pointing sniper guns at them is not an act of anarchy, but when students respond to that, suddenly the students become the "anarchists."
I thought about this all night tonight. You know, the problem is the billionaires. Each one of them has built an empire in this accursed country, and they'll go beyond killing everybody to keep those empires standing and the suck machines working. There aren't one or two of them, as you know. There are between 700 and 800 of them, each with their own empire. So this cursed people here, have to fight at least 700 empires, not just one!
You got complacent. You got fooled and let that happen. You didn't think it out far enough. And now you have 700 empires doing anything they want with you. Anything. They have put sniper units aiming at you, haven't they.
In Iran, Iranians fought one or two empires and barely made it. How are you here going to fight 700 of them? You let them pop up like it was candy. You fucked up. And now there's nothing you can do. Even if you emigrate out of this country, the 700 empires have plenty of Mexicans and central and south Americans to replace you in a jiffy.
So... they don't even need you. They actually prefer the hard working humble illegal aliens over you. Oh! You have expertise and illegal aliens don't have them? Do you want to quit the jobs you have with them, and hope for fighting back that way? They have plenty Indians and Chinese Americans to replace you with, each better in what you do in your jobs. You haven't noticed that?
So they don't even need their employees. The employees can go to hell as far as the empires are concerned. If anything, they have too many expert foreigners trying to get their feet into their empires and become employees.
So you're utterly expendable. You're less than illegal aliens for those empires.
Who among you cro-magnon dimwits, in their right minds, thought that a government can handle 750 billionaires? 750 empires. 750 is not 2 or even 5! 5 empires would be hell to handle. Real hell for the government. But 750 of them?
Those Bozos who thought, "No, this is called progress" are the ones who fucked up and allowed this to happen and form. Now there's no way out of it.
Cause as soon as you open your mouths about it, you're the "anarchists."
Gee good luck to you Nazis :) Now you have it! Right in front of you. And in the back, and left and right, and all around you as far as your eyes can see. Empires! With you Nazis being totally expendable, being the most replaceable nuisance in this country. Less than the illegal aliens in the eyes of the empires.
Now you can understand why they pointed sniper guns at you. They will kill you without any hesitation, without any problem. Even if killing you would be discovered by some magic news media, they would still kill you in your faces. Because they can. Because they are 750 empires and you are shit to clean. I don't think illegal aliens and those expert Indians and the Chinese Americans would mind at all if you are cleaned off of this country the way shit is cleaned. They won't mind, believe me. They like to see Nazis go to hell.
Not even Russia can bring down 750 empires. Who are you dumb Nazis in this? Hehe :) You don't have the slightest chance in this. Let the empires suck you dry and dead while you do nothing but serving them. That'll be what you'll do. That's what you're doing. What you have been doing. You can do nothing else.
15 police cars.. Dream on.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
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