Programming Lesson 2

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Sujet : Programming Lesson 2
De : nuxxie (at) *nospam* (Nuxxie)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 21. Mar 2024, 14:10:33
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Organisation : UsenetExpress -
Message-ID : <17bec662176ed584$4174$3384359$>
User-Agent : Pan/0.146 (Hic habitat felicitas; d7a48b4
Don't listen to those incompetent chuckleheads.  To program, one must first know hardware.

All programming can be reduced to SEQUENCE and BRANCHING.  That's it.  There is nothing more.

The x64 CPU has a register known as the RIP, or instruction pointer, which contains the
memory address of the next instruction.  The x64 CPU reads the instruction bytes from the
address in the RIP, executes the instruction, and then increments the RIP by the appropriate
amount so that it points to the next instruction.

The RIP, like all x64 regs, is 64-bits in width.  This gives 2^64 bytes of addressable
memory (although this is physically limited to less).

This is sequencing.  What about branching?

Branching is accomplished by "jump" instructions, which are either absolute or

In a jump, the CPU loads the address specified in the jump insruction into
the RIP.  The sequence continues from the jump address:

JMP 0x5698f7c6e38fccff

Sequence continues at the memory address 0x5698f7c6e38fccff.

This is an absolute jump, but jumps can be conditional:

JZ $address

This indicates to jump if the zero condition flag has been set.

In the x64 CPU there is a 16-bit Status Register (SR).  Each of the bits
in the SR represents a condition flag.

After the execution of an instruction, certain status bits can be
set (= 1) or unset (= 0).  For example, if the result of a logical
or arithmetic operation is zero the the zero status bit is set.
Subsequent instructions can use this info to make decisions, such
as whether or not to jump.

DEC eax ;decrement the eax register
JNZ $loop ;jump to $loop address if the result is not zero

Neat and simple.

In addition to absolute and conditional jumps there is the "jump
to subroutine," a.k.a. the "CALL" instrucion.

CALL $address

The CALL instruction causes the CPU to push the RIP, which
contains the address of the following instruction, onto the
stack and then jump to $address.  When a RET instruction is
encountered in the new sequence, the RIP is popped from
the stack and the sequence returns to the place where it
jumped from.

That's it.  That is how the x86 CPU effects sequence and branching.

It's very, very simple.

End of lesson.

Now just get an assembler and start to fuck around making various
jumps.  You'll soon get the hang of it.

Remember: the best philosophy of programming is to fuck all that
abstract shit and get close to the machine.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
21 Mar 24 * Programming Lesson 23Nuxxie
21 Mar 24 +- Re: Programming Lesson 21candycanearter07
22 Mar 24 `- Re: Programming Lesson 21rbowman

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