Re: This FOSS Thang :-)

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Sujet : Re: This FOSS Thang :-)
De : recscuba_google (at) *nospam* (-hh)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 23. Mar 2024, 21:06:50
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <utn98a$3qc5t$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 3/23/24 5:42 AM, Stéphane CARPENTIER wrote:
Le 19-03-2024, -hh <> a écrit :
On 3/17/24 5:24 AM, Stéphane CARPENTIER wrote:
Le 17-03-2024, vallor <> a écrit :
On Sat, 16 Mar 2024 15:49:44 -0400, -hh <>
wrote in <ut4t4o$32464$>:
And for those who want to defend their hours & hours spent twaddling
around with their gear to finally get something to work,
So who is doing that?
FR/LP/NV/DG/whatever. He's the only one. He's not a representative Linux
user. He's a Windows advocate trying to make Linux users passing for
fools. It looks like some take the bait.
Nah, feeb's not the only one, because there's others who have taken
exception to my comment.  Feel free to review every direct reply,
especially your own.
 I replied to the parts which interested me, as I said, you changed the
subject. You answered to something else.
 I don't pass hours and hours to just have something barely working. I
pass minutes to have something really better in the long run. Which is
not the same as what you said, so it doesn't apply to me even if you
disagree. Which means that save me hours on the long run, because the
time is adding in both ways.
Naturally, you have no objective metrics of your process changes performance.  Granted, this isn't always strictly necessary but it does become so when one tries to make intractable claims to others about the superiority of A over B.

 It's the same for your links about the processes. I didn't read the
content because I have better things to to. I read the abstract and it's
clear you compare the way some processes are harmonised in companies
with the way some tools are adapted on personal computers. Two
different things. You believe it's the same, good for you: it's not and
I don't care what you believe when you change the subjects.
 For your need of a citation, I really don't see how some citation can
support my claim that I'm able to adapt my tools better than the
defaults. I can see it by myself, it's easy.
Better go look up "Placebo Effect".
Likewise, the "Hawthorne Effect".

For example, if I want to open a pdf file.
 My way: I press [Windows]+[z], my pdf files are displayed in wofi. I
type some letters of its name, when it's selected I press [Enter] and my
pdf file is opened in zathura.
And what workflow do you use for searches of files which aren't pdfs?

Microsoft/Apple way: I need to open the file manager. I need to find the
directory in which my file is stored. I need to find the file in the
directory. I need to open it. I need to close the file manager.
Incorrect.  In both Windows or MacOS, the default search will use the entire directory tree.
Granted, one can choose to narrow & speed the search by specifying a sub-tree, but it isn't strictly necessary.
And once the desired file is identified, it is just a mouse+click (or keyboard equivalent) to open the file in the default assigned app.

I can see by myself that I'm faster with my way than with the way
provided by Apple/Microsoft. I never tried Apple but it's the same way
as the Microsoft way, so I know I would be slower using a Mac.
That's a "belief" based claim.

 In my way, the information comes to me.
No, you're still invoking a search and a scan of matches, followed by an explicit 'launch' command.

In Microsoft/Apple way, I need
to look for the information.
And just what are you doing when you press "[Windows]+[z]"?

That's a huge difference. I saves me a few
seconds each time I'm opening a pdf file, and that's a lot of times. So
the few seconds add up very fast. At least one or two minutes each
day. So, in years, it's really hours saved. For a few minutes
configuration. Really, only one line in my config file:
   bindsym $mod+z exec find ~ \( -path ~/Download\* -o -path ~/divers\* -o -path ~/Lecture/Pdf/ALire/\*  \) -a \( -name "*.pdf" -o -name "*.ps" -o -name "*.epub" \) 2>/dev/null | wofi -d | xargs -r -I % zathura "%"
And how long did it take you to research, test, and apply that command?
FWIW, there's nothing inherently wrong with having home-brew shortcuts for your personal workflow, but their existence doesn't magically mean that everyone else in the world has the same workflow needs that you do.
Case in point, just what is your workflow to find a non-PDF file?  Does it use the same exact keyboard command or not?  Because when it doesn't, you're fragmenting your UI standardization which hinders productivity for all of the cases which are exceptions to this particular one.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Mar 24 * This FOSS Thang :-)337Physfitfreak
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12 Mar 24 i`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)277-hh
12 Mar 24 i +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)6Nuxxie
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13 Mar 24 i i+* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2rbowman
13 Mar 24 i ii`- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1Physfitfreak
16 Mar 24 i i`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2-hh
16 Mar 24 i i `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1Stéphane CARPENTIER
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13 Mar 24 i i+* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)227Physfitfreak
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21 Mar 24 i ii i i    i `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1DFS
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21 Mar 24 i ii i i     `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2Chris Ahlstrom
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21 Mar 24 i ii i iii`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)23rbowman
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24 Mar 24 i ii i iii i   i`* Re: You have dark brown eyes ?4rbowman
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24 Mar 24 i ii i iii i   i i`- Re: I wear my sunglasses at night -- Corey Hart1rbowman
27 Mar 24 i ii i iii i   i `- Re: You have dark brown eyes ?1DFS
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24 Mar 24 i ii i iii i    `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)5vallor
24 Mar 24 i ii i iii i     `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)4Chris Ahlstrom
24 Mar 24 i ii i iii i      `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)3candycanearter07
24 Mar 24 i ii i iii i       `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2Chris Ahlstrom
25 Mar 24 i ii i iii i        `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1candycanearter07
21 Mar 24 i ii i iii +- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1Chris Ahlstrom
21 Mar 24 i ii i iii `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)4DFS
22 Mar 24 i ii i iii  `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)3rbowman
22 Mar 24 i ii i iii   `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2vallor
23 Mar 24 i ii i iii    `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1candycanearter07
21 Mar 24 i ii i ii+* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)5-hh
21 Mar 24 i ii i iii+* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2-hh
22 Mar 24 i ii i iiii`- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1-hh
26 Mar 24 i ii i iii`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2DFS
28 Mar 24 i ii i iii `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1-hh
21 Mar 24 i ii i ii`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)27vallor
22 Mar 24 i ii i ii +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)7rbowman
22 Mar 24 i ii i ii i`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)6candycanearter07
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii i `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)5vallor
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii i  +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)3DFS
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii i  i`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2vallor
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii i  i `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1DFS
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii i  `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1rbowman
22 Mar 24 i ii i ii +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)15-hh
22 Mar 24 i ii i ii i+* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)4Chris Ahlstrom
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii ii`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)3-hh
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii ii `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2Chris Ahlstrom
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii ii  `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1rbowman
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii i+* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)7rbowman
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii ii`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)6Chris Ahlstrom
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii ii `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)5-hh
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii ii  +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)3rbowman
24 Mar 24 i ii i ii ii  i`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2Physfitfreak
24 Mar 24 i ii i ii ii  i `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1rbowman
24 Mar 24 i ii i ii ii  `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1Chris Ahlstrom
30 Mar 24 i ii i ii i`* The Mac Studio (was: Re: This FOSS Thang :-) )3vallor
31 Mar 24 i ii i ii i `* Re: The Mac Studio2-hh
31 Mar 24 i ii i ii i  `- Re: The Mac Studio1Yaxley Peaks
22 Mar 24 i ii i ii +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2-hh
22 Mar 24 i ii i ii i`- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1DFS
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2vallor
23 Mar 24 i ii i ii  `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1-hh
21 Mar 24 i ii i i+- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1rbowman
22 Mar 24 i ii i i`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)28candycanearter07
22 Mar 24 i ii i i +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)20RonB
22 Mar 24 i ii i i i`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)19Chris Ahlstrom
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)18RonB
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i  +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)16rbowman
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i  i+* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)6Physfitfreak
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i  ii`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)5rbowman
24 Mar 24 i ii i i i  ii `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)4Physfitfreak
24 Mar 24 i ii i i i  ii  +- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1Physfitfreak
24 Mar 24 i ii i i i  ii  `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2rbowman
25 Mar 24 i ii i i i  ii   `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1Physfitfreak
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i  i+* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)8RonB
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i  ii+* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)3Chris Ahlstrom
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i  iii`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2rbowman
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i  ii+- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1Physfitfreak
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i  ii`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)3rbowman
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i  i`- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1Chris Ahlstrom
23 Mar 24 i ii i i i  `- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1candycanearter07
22 Mar 24 i ii i i `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)7rbowman
21 Mar 24 i ii i +- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1-hh
23 Mar 24 i ii i +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)98Stéphane CARPENTIER
23 Mar 24 i ii i `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)6Physfitfreak
16 Mar 24 i ii +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)9Chris Ahlstrom
17 Mar 24 i ii +- Re: This FOSS Thang :-)1Physfitfreak
17 Mar 24 i ii +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)5vallor
17 Mar 24 i ii `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)3Lester Thorpe
26 Mar 24 i i`* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)2DFS
12 Mar 24 i +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)31Chris Ahlstrom
13 Mar 24 i +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)5rbowman
16 Mar 24 i `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)4Stéphane CARPENTIER
12 Mar 24 +* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)39favask
12 Mar 24 `* Re: This FOSS Thang :-)18Nuxxie

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