Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?

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Sujet : Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?
De : recscuba_google (at) *nospam* (-hh)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 10. Apr 2024, 18:12:57
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 4/9/24 9:09 PM, rbowman wrote:
On Tue, 9 Apr 2024 17:26:12 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
I've seen some interesting books about neural logic circuits, but circa
 Rumelhart and McClelland's 'Parallel Distributed Processing' was the text
used in a seminar I took that summed up the state of the art. The
perceptron went back to McColloch and Pitts in 1944. It was a start but
had problems some of which were pointed out by Minsky. Hopfield came up
with the network named after him. Rumelhart and Hinton threw in back
propagation based on gradient descent in an '86 paper.
 Anyway, read the current literature and you'll see a lot of what was
discussed in the '80s. The problem was hardware. Nvidia is making big
bucks producing $40,000+ GPUs that can handle all the matrix operations
involved. That sort of power wasn't available in the '80s outside of a few
supercomputers and even they might have been breathing heavy.
 The other problem was the inevitable hype that oversold NNs.
 It may be tl;dr but if you're interested that covers the history very
well. It's telling that 'neural network' became a little toxic amid the
stumbles over the years and became 'machine learning'. Having watched the
technology waxing and waning for close to 40 years I don't know if the
current boom will become a bust.
My personal opinion on it that its currently over-hyped.
I've had some ML projects and my general conclusion is that it is essentially statistically-based rules, it is a good enough solution most of the time, but it depends on the nature of the task and can be quite quickly limited by its training set..especially if there's risks of over-training.  The ramifications are that its a good short/mid term fit for some activities, but really complex stuff (side eye at Tesla) are probably still a decade away, which also means that in the shortsighted vision of the Stock Market, they're going to lose interest in 2-3 years.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
5 Apr 24 * GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?111Farley Flud
5 Apr 24 +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Joel
5 Apr 24 +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?6Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24 i`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?5Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24 i `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?4Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24 i  +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24 i  `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2Farley Flud
6 Apr 24 i   `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24 +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1DFS
6 Apr 24 +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1candycanearter07
6 Apr 24 +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Stéphane CARPENTIER
6 Apr 24 +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Chris Ahlstrom
6 Apr 24 `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?99vallor
6 Apr 24  +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2Farley Flud
7 Apr 24  i`- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Stéphane CARPENTIER
6 Apr 24  +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?95vallor
7 Apr 24  i+- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1DFS
7 Apr 24  i+- Re: 🏳️‍🌈GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?🏳️‍🌈1=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?=Jen=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?= Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
7 Apr 24  i+* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?83Farley Flud
7 Apr 24  ii+* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?3Stéphane CARPENTIER
7 Apr 24  iii`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2Farley Flud
7 Apr 24  iii `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Stéphane CARPENTIER
7 Apr 24  ii+* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?78Physfitfreak
7 Apr 24  iii`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?77Farley Flud
8 Apr 24  iii `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?76Physfitfreak
8 Apr 24  iii  +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?12candycanearter07
9 Apr 24  iii  i`* Re: .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound.11Joel
9 Apr 24  iii  i +* Once you've heard it, nothing else will do.2Relf
9 Apr 24  iii  i i`- Re: Once you've heard it, nothing else will do.1Joel
11 Apr 24  iii  i `* Re: .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound.8DFS
11 Apr 24  iii  i  `* Re: .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound.7Joel
11 Apr 24  iii  i   `* Re: .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound.6DFS
11 Apr 24  iii  i    +* Re: .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound.3Joel
11 Apr 24  iii  i    i`* Re: .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound.2Chris Ahlstrom
11 Apr 24  iii  i    i `- Re: .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound.1Joel
12 Apr 24  iii  i    `* Re: .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound.2rbowman
12 Apr 24  iii  i     `- Re: .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound.1Chris Ahlstrom
8 Apr 24  iii  `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?63Farley Flud
8 Apr 24  iii   `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?62Physfitfreak
9 Apr 24  iii    +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Physfitfreak
9 Apr 24  iii    +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?21rbowman
9 Apr 24  iii    i+* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?7Chris Ahlstrom
9 Apr 24  iii    ii`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?6rbowman
9 Apr 24  iii    ii `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?5Chris Ahlstrom
10 Apr 24  iii    ii  `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?4rbowman
10 Apr 24  iii    ii   +- How much will it cost ?1Relf
10 Apr 24  iii    ii   +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1-hh
10 Apr 24  iii    ii   `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Physfitfreak
9 Apr 24  iii    i`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?13Farley Flud
9 Apr 24  iii    i +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?11candycanearter07
9 Apr 24  iii    i i`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?10Farley Flud
9 Apr 24  iii    i i +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?4Joel
10 Apr 24  iii    i i i+* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2Farley Flud
10 Apr 24  iii    i i ii`- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Joel
12 Apr 24  iii    i i i`- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Stéphane CARPENTIER
10 Apr 24  iii    i i `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?5candycanearter07
10 Apr 24  iii    i i  `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?4Diego Garcia
11 Apr 24  iii    i i   `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?3candycanearter07
11 Apr 24  iii    i i    `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2Farley Flud
15 Apr 24  iii    i i     `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1candycanearter07
10 Apr 24  iii    i `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1rbowman
9 Apr 24  iii    +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Physfitfreak
9 Apr 24  iii    +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Joel
9 Apr 24  iii    +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?36DFS
11 Apr 24  iii    i`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?35-hh
11 Apr 24  iii    i +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?27vallor
11 Apr 24  iii    i i`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?26rbowman
11 Apr 24  iii    i i `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?25-hh
11 Apr 24  iii    i i  +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?17DFS
11 Apr 24  iii    i i  i+* Col. Sanders.2Relf
11 Apr 24  iii    i i  ii`- Re: Col. Sanders.1DFS
11 Apr 24  iii    i i  i+- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1rbowman
11 Apr 24  iii    i i  i`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?13Chris Ahlstrom
11 Apr 24  iii    i i  i +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1DFS
11 Apr 24  iii    i i  i +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Joel
11 Apr 24  iii    i i  i +- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1DFS
12 Apr 24  iii    i i  i `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?9Chris Ahlstrom
12 Apr 24  iii    i i  i  `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?8vallor
12 Apr 24  iii    i i  i   +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?5DFS
12 Apr 24  iii    i i  i   i`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?4rbowman
12 Apr 24  iii    i i  i   i `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?3Chris Ahlstrom
13 Apr 24  iii    i i  i   i  `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2vallor
13 Apr 24  iii    i i  i   i   `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Chris Ahlstrom
12 Apr 24  iii    i i  i   `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2Lester Thorpe
14 Apr 24  iii    i i  i    `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1DFS
11 Apr 24  iii    i i  `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?7rbowman
11 Apr 24  iii    i i   +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2DFS
12 Apr 24  iii    i i   i`- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1rbowman
11 Apr 24  iii    i i   `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?4Chris Ahlstrom
12 Apr 24  iii    i i    `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?3rbowman
12 Apr 24  iii    i i     `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2Chris Ahlstrom
14 Apr 24  iii    i i      `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1DFS
11 Apr 24  iii    i +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2rbowman
11 Apr 24  iii    i i`- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1rbowman
11 Apr 24  iii    i +* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?4-hh
11 Apr 24  iii    i i`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?3Physfitfreak
11 Apr 24  iii    i i `* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?2-hh
11 Apr 24  iii    i i  `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Physfitfreak
11 Apr 24  iii    i `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1DFS
9 Apr 24  iii    `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Physfitfreak
7 Apr 24  ii`- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1Joel
7 Apr 24  i`* Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?9Stéphane CARPENTIER
11 Apr 24  `- Re: GNU/Linux is the Empowerment of the PC. So What Do You Do?1DFS

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