Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)

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Sujet : Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)
De : physfitfreak (at) *nospam* (Physfitfreak)
Groupes : sci.physics comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 19. Apr 2024, 05:00:42
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The militia news outlet is now saying the sources claiming Iran hit Dimona are lying, probably testing psychological reactions of Israelis to it. They are also saying none of the missiles, Khorramshahr, Sejjil, Hajghasem, Kheybarshekan, and the hypersonic 2 were used in the operation.
They're saying, "We beat their maximum defense with our minimum capability."
Hehe :)
So when clips and pictures are forbidden to show in media, both sides make their own use of it. Everything turns into bullshit and uncertainty. Or could be that the Sejjils and Kheybarshekans that were reported were earlier versions of what they presently are, so militia refers to them as older weapons.
I tend to believe what I saw reported during the operation, cause such later fine tuning and manipulation of facts had not yet started on either sides.
What is certain is that Iran has not closed the door on the possibility of Israeli military actions against Iran. Not one bit in fact. They're still recommending both citizens of other nations in Israel as well as Israeli citizens themselves to avoid being there, if they can, indicating a much wider response if Israelis retaliate.
In fact Iran's foreign minister who's in UN right now said today Iran's next response against Israeli military aggression will be to hit them at near maximum capabilities.
"Don't commit suicide," Blinken told Netanyahu during the operation. This was reported from within Israel itself, not necessarily leaked to them by someone in Israel, but more likely by someone in U.S. State Dept worried about his relatives in Israel.
I think this shit should hit the fan. Those cockheads, cro-magnon or not, who put a nutcase like Netanyahu at the controls, should see what happens as a result! Right now everybody around that nut believes he should put the world in fire so their "Jewish Messiah" would come down and end the world as it is! They're telling him he is the last leader of Israel before their Messiah takes control! So the Israeli government bullshit you've set up there are like you Penis X lunatics. You guys should see the results of your foolish acts. I don't want this thing end at this point. I want you to lose everything in that region, not just friends. That's already done. But everything.
The UN "peace keeping" forces in Lebanon (stationed there since 2006) are about to get kicked out for doing nothing but spying for Israeli government. Lebanon's militia head said something that caught everybody's attention, "If they are trying to prevent war, they should be stationed in Israel not in Lebanon. Among the aggressors, not the victims."
An Israeli news media is saying Ramon has had a few deads too, about 5.
28 Google employees who set up a simple demonstration in support of the Palestinians, were fired yesterday. This is a picture of some of them:
They had specifically protesting Google's recent $1.3 Billion contract with Israeli Government. One of them is Iranian.
You can hit back. Replace Chrome with Firefox and gradually migrate from any youtube informative and nice channel to their same offering in similar media other than youtube. Every good youtube channel has equivalent channels with exact same material (if not better) in other youtube-like medias as well. All the information you need as to how to make the migration are provided by those youtube channels themselves. Especially music. Youtube used to be the best place to listen to music. There are alternatives now that are growing. Join them and gradually leave youtube behind.
Refrain from using Google search. It really sucks anyway. It fools you instead of doing an honest search for you. Even Yandex is much better than Google search. The Russian search engine.
Google became quite rude with people using its products several years back anyway. They sold you. They became intrusive as intrusive can get. Shed that scum from your lives and grow elsewhere with healthier services.
Sell your Google stocks and don't look back.
Don't underestimate what you can do as a single person. It matters a lot for them!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
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