Re: cpu-x

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Sujet : Re: cpu-x
De : ronb02NOSPAM (at) *nospam* (RonB)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 20. May 2024, 15:34:47
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v2fjhm$m4n$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
User-Agent : slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
On 2024-05-20, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On Mon, 20 May 2024 12:32:36 -0000 (UTC), RonB
<> wrote:
On 2024-05-20, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On Mon, 20 May 2024 12:13:25 -0000 (UTC), RonB
<> wrote:
On 2024-05-20, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On Sun, 19 May 2024 23:53:03 -0000 (UTC), RonB
<> wrote:
On 2024-05-19, rbowman <> wrote:
On Sun, 19 May 2024 12:58:06 -0400, DFS wrote:
Trump didn't die from it.
I didn't die from it.
You and your wife didn't die from it.
Neither I or my ex died from the vaccine -- because we didn't get it. She
was particularly reluctant since as a librarian she was required to
receive the swine flu vaccine in 1976 and was one of the lucky winners of
a mild case of Guillain-Barré,
For us the who episode was like a bad case of deja vu. The government
panicked and followed its usual course of 'Do something! Anything!'.
If I ever had covid I didn't notice. She did and reported the headaches
were a bitch but it wasn't life-threatening.
I guess DFS hasn't been watching the news. Almost every day some healthy,
young athlete keels over on the field or court. Myocarditis has become a
big thing for young people now ? until the mRNA BS "vaccine" it was almost
completely unknown to effect young people. DFS can keep his head in the
sand, but reality will eventually intrude despite his willful ignorance.
No one in my family got the "vaccine." I got covid... it wasn't fun but I
got over it without going to the doctor. The excessive mortality rate didn't
rise until *after* the so-called "vaccine" was released. Although "covid
deaths" were reportedly high (for people with multiple comorbidities),
"strangely enough" heart attacks and deaths from the flu dropped
significantly (flu deaths almost non-existent) in the time before the mRNA
"vaccine." Obviously comorbidities were ignored. (These are often the real
cause of death during the seasonal flu outbreaks.)
There is no getting DFS's thick skull. It appears that he exists only
to repeat whatever it is that his government and mainstream news want
everyone to believe. Vaccines good, hesitancy bad. Ignore the people
around you suddenly dying. Ignore the fact that your healthy friends
suddenly have tumours on their uterus. Ignore the fact that, in the
case of my wife's cousin in Sao Miguel, your cousin had a stroke at 42
that has essentially turned her into a vegetable that is confined to a
wheelchair. The government said "safe and effective" so "safe and
effective" it must be, even when evidence is compiled showing that it
is not. When even Pfizer's own documents show that their own "vaccine"
caused significant damage and Astrazeneca admitted that theirs causes
blood clots, exactly like what was claimed by us right-wing crazies at
the time,
we must ignore everything and repeat what the government and our media
tell us.
Put you're brain in neutral, we'll do your thinking for you. DuFuS has
bought into that ? hook, line and sinker. How do you become a brain-dead,
automaton zombie like that? Too much TV news?
I didn't buy into TV News in 1971 when I was 15 years old ? and the
newscasters at least tried to pretend to be neutral back then. Now they
don't even make the slightest effort. Just pure, undiluted propaganda.
I wonder how someone can watch something like MSNBC, CNN or CBC where
the pundits just come out and say "it is stupid to think this," or
"the people supporting this candiate are racists." Present the facts
and let us figure out how to interpret them. In DFS's case, I
presented him Steve Kirsch's interpretation of the results as well as
that of the people who depend on government money. Kirsch has his own
money, so he presents the facts and comes to the obvious conclusion.
Since the other ones need government money, they are careful to say
that the results are inconclusive. Notice that DFS never bothered to
mention a thing about Kirsch's conclusions; he is only interested in
whatever agrees with him that it was probably safe. Why? Because
Dumbass does what the media that controls him does: picks and chooses
whatever data fits the narrative. He has to because any other
narrative will force him to come to grips with the fact that he is
likely to die suddenly.
It gets tiring trying to save these people from themselves. They firmly
believe in the practice of sticking their heads in the sand.
I hope DFS will be first in line for the next "vaccine." At the very
least, he will be able to make an Excel spreadsheet of every one of
his mutations. You can't use LibreOffice Calc for those kind of
calculations, though. Oh no! Pivot tables! PIVOT TABLES!

I know you're speaking facetiously, but I don't want ANYONE in line for this
"not safe, not effective" mRNA crap.

[Self-centered, Woke] "pride is a life of self-destructive fakery, an
entrapment to a false and self-created matrix of twisted unreality."
"It was pride that changed angels into devils..."     — St. Augustine

Date Sujet#  Auteur
6 May 24 * cpu-x250vallor
6 May 24 +* Re: cpu-x74Joel
6 May 24 i+* Re: cpu-x25vallor
6 May 24 ii`* Re: cpu-x24DFS
7 May 24 ii +* Re: cpu-x15Joel
7 May 24 ii i`* Re: cpu-x14DFS
7 May 24 ii i `* Re: cpu-x13Joel
8 May 24 ii i  `* Re: cpu-x12DFS
15 May 24 ii i   `* Re: cpu-x11Lawrence D'Oliveiro
15 May 24 ii i    `* Re: cpu-x10DFS
15 May 24 ii i     `* Re: cpu-x9vallor
15 May 24 ii i      `* Re: cpu-x8DFS
17 May 24 ii i       `* Re: cpu-x7vallor
17 May 24 ii i        `* Re: cpu-x6DFS
17 May 24 ii i         +- Re: cpu-x1vallor
17 May 24 ii i         `* Re: cpu-x4vallor
18 May 24 ii i          `* Re: cpu-x3DFS
18 May 24 ii i           `* Re: cpu-x2vallor
18 May 24 ii i            `- Re: cpu-x1DFS
7 May 24 ii +* Linux advantage: open source (was: Re: cpu-x)5vallor
8 May 24 ii i`* Re: Windows advantage: quality of applications4DFS
8 May 24 ii i `* Re: Windows advantage: quality of applications3rbowman
8 May 24 ii i  +- Re: Windows advantage: quality of applications1DFS
9 May 24 ii i  `- Re: Windows advantage: quality of applications1Chris Ahlstrom
12 May 24 ii +- Re: cpu-x1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
12 May 24 ii `* Re: cpu-x2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
14 May 24 ii  `- Re: cpu-x1candycanearter07
6 May 24 i`* Re: cpu-x48DFS
6 May 24 i `* Re: cpu-x47Joel
8 May 24 i  +- Re: cpu-x1Joel
9 May 24 i  +* Re: cpu-x3rbowman
9 May 24 i  i`* Re: cpu-x2Joel
9 May 24 i  i `- Re: cpu-x1rbowman
9 May 24 i  `* Re: cpu-x42rbowman
9 May 24 i   +* Re: cpu-x23Chris Ahlstrom
10 May 24 i   i`* Re: cpu-x22vallor
10 May 24 i   i +- Re: cpu-x1%
10 May 24 i   i +* Re: cpu-x8rbowman
10 May 24 i   i i`* Re: cpu-x7vallor
10 May 24 i   i i +- Every cult needs an apocalypse.1Relf
10 May 24 i   i i +- Re: cpu-x1vallor
10 May 24 i   i i +- Re: cpu-x1Andrzej Matuch
10 May 24 i   i i +* Re: cpu-x2Chris Ahlstrom
11 May 24 i   i i i`- Re: cpu-x1RonB
10 May 24 i   i i `- Re: cpu-x1rbowman
10 May 24 i   i `* Re: cpu-x12Chris Ahlstrom
10 May 24 i   i  +* Re: cpu-x3vallor
10 May 24 i   i  i`* Re: cpu-x2Chris Ahlstrom
11 May 24 i   i  i `- Re: cpu-x1rbowman
10 May 24 i   i  `* Re: cpu-x8RonB
10 May 24 i   i   `* Re: cpu-x7rbowman
11 May 24 i   i    +* Re: cpu-x5RonB
11 May 24 i   i    i+- Re: cpu-x1rbowman
12 May 24 i   i    i`* Re: cpu-x3RonB
12 May 24 i   i    i `* Re: cpu-x2Andrzej Matuch
12 May 24 i   i    i  `- Re: cpu-x1RonB
11 May 24 i   i    `- Re: cpu-x1Chris Ahlstrom
18 May 24 i   `* Re: cpu-x18DFS
18 May 24 i    +* Re: cpu-x10Joel
19 May 24 i    i`* Re: cpu-x9candycanearter07
19 May 24 i    i `* Re: cpu-x8Joel
19 May 24 i    i  +* Re: cpu-x2rbowman
19 May 24 i    i  i`- The almighty LLama has the final say.1Relf
24 May 24 i    i  `* Re: cpu-x5candycanearter07
24 May 24 i    i   `* Re: cpu-x4Joel
25 May 24 i    i    `* Re: cpu-x3candycanearter07
25 May 24 i    i     `* Re: cpu-x2Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24 i    i      `- Re: cpu-x1Joel
18 May 24 i    `* Re: cpu-x7rbowman
18 May 24 i     `* Re: cpu-x6DFS
19 May 24 i      `* Re: cpu-x5rbowman
19 May 24 i       +* Re: cpu-x2rbowman
19 May 24 i       i`- Re: cpu-x1Stéphane CARPENTIER
19 May 24 i       `* Re: cpu-x2Chris Ahlstrom
19 May 24 i        `- Re: cpu-x1rbowman
6 May 24 +* Re: cpu-x173Andrzej Matuch
7 May 24 i`* Re: cpu-x172DFS
7 May 24 i +* Re: cpu-x6Andrzej Matuch
7 May 24 i i+- Re: cpu-x1DFS
7 May 24 i i`* HyperV error (was: Re: cpu-x)4vallor
7 May 24 i i +* Re: HyperV error2DFS
7 May 24 i i i`- Re: HyperV error1Joel
7 May 24 i i `- Re: HyperV error1Chris Ahlstrom
8 May 24 i `* Re: cpu-x165Lawrence D'Oliveiro
8 May 24 i  `* Re: cpu-x164Andrzej Matuch
8 May 24 i   +* Re: cpu-x8Andrzej Matuch
8 May 24 i   i`* Re: cpu-x7candycanearter07
8 May 24 i   i `* Re: cpu-x6Andrzej Matuch
10 May 24 i   i  `* Re: cpu-x5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
10 May 24 i   i   +- Re: cpu-x1RonB
14 May 24 i   i   `* Re: cpu-x3candycanearter07
14 May 24 i   i    `* Re: cpu-x2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
14 May 24 i   i     `- Re: cpu-x1Andrzej Matuch
10 May 24 i   `* Re: cpu-x155Lawrence D'Oliveiro
10 May 24 i    +- Re: cpu-x1RonB
11 May 24 i    `* Re: cpu-x153DFS
12 May 24 i     +* Re: cpu-x7RonB
12 May 24 i     i`* Re: cpu-x6Andrzej Matuch
12 May 24 i     i `* Re: cpu-x5RonB
15 May 24 i     i  `* Re: cpu-x4RonB
15 May 24 i     i   `* Re: cpu-x3Andrzej Matuch
13 May 24 i     +* Re: cpu-x125Lawrence D'Oliveiro
13 May 24 i     +* Re: cpu-x16Lawrence D'Oliveiro
14 May 24 i     `* Re: cpu-x4candycanearter07
6 Jun 24 `* Re: cpu-x2vallor

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