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De : ronb02NOSPAM (at) *nospam* (RonB)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 28. May 2024, 08:33:07
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v33tr3$fsvh$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
User-Agent : slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
On 2024-05-28, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On 2024-05-27 8:41 p.m., RonB wrote:
On 2024-05-27, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On 2024-05-27 7:09 p.m., -hh wrote:
On 5/26/24 11:13 AM, Relf wrote:
covid vaccine IDIOTS claim it was "the jab".
And there are a lot of vaccine idiots around, including several on this
newsgroup.  I see a lot of them in comment sections all across the
Internet.  All of them are very willfully ignorant.
Every day, the "IDIOT" epitaph becomes more apropos of you, DFS.
Only the FDA can provide VACCINE SAFETY DATA & they HIDE it;
Just what is the FDA allegedly "hiding", Relf?
Be specific.
And also be specific in providing documentation that shows that this was
a change done just for CoVid which differs from the past practice of
protecting the privacy of research volunteers, because "hiding" some
information has been standard practice for decades.
For example, do not claim that they're keeping the identity of each
volunteer participant confidential, because that's been standard
practice since the 1970s.
The research data is provided in what's known as "de-identified".
But even this has changed within the past decade (before 2019), because
its been found that "big data" data mining is able to "Re-Identify" if
individual datapoints are provided.  That's why data is now published in
aggregate, not individualized but anonymous (e.g. de-identified).
IIRC, the change was prompted by the Governor of Massachusetts who IIRC
made some crass comment about how current health data protections were
already overkill.  Some researchers proved him wrong by Re-Identifying
him in the health records to show that said medical records were in
fact, not adequately protected.  Here's the cite:
"The 'Re-Identification' of Governor William Weld's Medical Information:
A Critical Re-Examination of Health Data Identification Risks and
Privacy Protections, Then and Now"
(July 2012)
FYI, the general "best practices" is to hold the PII/PHI in confidence
for 75 years before it is released to the public.  This is because most
consents are from adults (age 18+), since 18+75 = 93 years, as ~95%
dying by age 95.
For some populations (eg, children) longer durations can get used;
there's also been discussions to increase 75 years to a higher value
because of trends of improving longevity (as per Actuarial tables).
In other words, "don't believe your lying eyes and ears, folks."
The stat to watch, post-Covid "vaccine," is the excessive mortality rate.
Insurance companies are well aware of it.
My wife's "grandniece" (the daughter of her niece) nearly died right after
her mandatory mRNA injection (she was in the Army Reserve). She's now a
young mother of two with myocarditis.
This couldn't have happened because the media and world governments said
it was "safe." While she was suffering in bed and dying, you should have
gone up to her and told her to stop faking and being such a white
supremacist. I'm glad I did exactly that to my best friend, my friend's
wife, my sister-in-law and my wife's cousin, who is now a paralyzed
vegetable. It's all a really long joke.

I know. Your sister-in-law came out of it a lot worse than my grandniece.
(At least so far.) Apparently a serious case of myocarditis has long-term
effects and life expectancy is drastically shortened (I hear from some there
is a four or five year life expectancy — I hope they're wrong). But
myocarditis was always been an old person problem until this mRNA injection.

This is why so few people are getting the Covid mRNA injection anymore.
Almost everyone knows someone who had a serious (life-threatening of
life-ending) reaction to it.
I heard some doctor whining that not only are people NOT getting the Covid
mRNA injection, flu shots have also dropped significantly.
And, for those who can't follow the news, Pfizer and Moderna have admitted
that their so-called "vaccine" causes myocarditis. (Of course they tried to
minimize the harm.) Astra Zeneca has gotten out of the Covid "game"
altogether. No profit in it for them and, I believe, they're being sued for
None of this matters because the media tells us that it was all a huge
success, and we all know that everything the media tells us is the
truth. As many of as 8% of us believe every word that they say.

The Main Stream Media is highly reliant on Big Pharma advertising dollars.
Even if they were honest and not compliant Woke propagandists (which they
are) there is a definite conflict of interest involved.

[Self-centered, Woke] "pride is a life of self-destructive fakery, an
entrapment to a false and self-created matrix of twisted unreality."
"It was pride that changed angels into devils..."     — St. Augustine

Date Sujet#  Auteur
25 May 24 * OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.63Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24 +* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.4DFS
26 May 24 i+- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Joel
26 May 24 i`* Do you own stock in big Pharma ?2Relf
26 May 24 i `- Re: Do you own stock in big Pharma ?1-hh
26 May 24 +* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.12Tyrone
26 May 24 i+- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Stéphane CARPENTIER
26 May 24 i+- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1RonB
26 May 24 i+* DFS & SWEET JOE BIDEN.8Relf
26 May 24 ii+* I was born a GMO and I'll die a GMO2DFS
26 May 24 iii`- Re: I was born a GMO and I'll die a GMO1Andrzej Matuch
28 May 24 ii`* Re: DFS & SWEET JOE BIDEN.5-hh
28 May 24 ii +* Re: DFS & SWEET JOE BIDEN.2RonB
28 May 24 ii i`- Re: DFS & SWEET JOE BIDEN.1RonB
28 May 24 ii `- Re: DFS & SWEET JOE BIDEN.1-hh
26 May 24 i`- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24 +* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.8Stéphane CARPENTIER
26 May 24 i+* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.6Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24 ii+- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Chris Ahlstrom
26 May 24 ii+* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.2RonB
26 May 24 iii`- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24 ii`* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.2Stéphane CARPENTIER
26 May 24 ii `- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24 +* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.4RonB
26 May 24 i+* Reality(tm) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Big Gov.2Relf
26 May 24 ii`- Re: Reality(tm) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Big Gov.1Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24 i`- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24 `* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.34DFS
26 May 24  +* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.21Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24  i`* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.20vallor
26 May 24  i +* Spiritual Terrorism.7Relf
26 May 24  i i+* Re: Spiritual Terrorism.2vallor
26 May 24  i ii`- "?Q?=" Should not be found anywhere in any header.1Relf
27 May 24  i i`* Re: Spiritual Terrorism.4Andrzej Matuch
27 May 24  i i +- Re: Spiritual Terrorism.1Joel
27 May 24  i i `* Re: Spiritual Terrorism.2RonB
27 May 24  i i  `- Re: Spiritual Terrorism.1Andrzej Matuch
27 May 24  i `* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.12Andrzej Matuch
27 May 24  i  +* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.7Joel
27 May 24  i  i`* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.6%
27 May 24  i  i +- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Joel
27 May 24  i  i `* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.4Andrzej Matuch
27 May 24  i  i  +- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Joel
27 May 24  i  i  `* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.2RonB
27 May 24  i  i   `- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Andrzej Matuch
27 May 24  i  `* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.4RonB
27 May 24  i   +- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1Joel
27 May 24  i   `* Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.2Andrzej Matuch
27 May 24  i    `- Re: OT: The "vaccine" that just keeps on giving.1RonB
27 May 24  `* Nothing but a lie12DFS
27 May 24   `* Re: Nothing but a lie11Joel
27 May 24    +* Re: Nothing but a lie6DFS
27 May 24    i+* Re: Nothing but a lie2Andrzej Matuch
28 May 24    ii`- Re: Nothing but a lie1RonB
27 May 24    i`* You trash your vote, I don't vote, Same thing.3Relf
27 May 24    i +- Shame. Get out of bed and go vote.1DFS
27 May 24    i `- Re: You trash your vote, I don't vote, Same thing.1Andrzej Matuch
27 May 24    `* Re: Nothing but a lie4Tyrone
27 May 24     +- Re: Nothing but a lie1Andrzej Matuch
27 May 24     +- Re: Nothing but a lie1Joel
28 May 24     `- Re: Nothing but a lie1RonB

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