Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?

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Sujet : Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?
De : ronb02NOSPAM (at) *nospam* (RonB)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 04. Jun 2024, 01:53:57
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v3ll2l$3g9t$>
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On 2024-06-03, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On 2024-06-03 7:01 p.m., RonB wrote:
On 2024-06-03, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On 2024-06-03 11:13 a.m., RonB wrote:
On 2024-06-03, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On 2024-06-02 6:09 p.m., RonB wrote:
On 2024-06-02, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On 2024-06-02 2:27 p.m., rbowman wrote:
On Sun, 2 Jun 2024 07:50:28 -0400, Andrzej Matuch wrote:
I apologize to everyone but you about what I just wrote. I am frustrated
that even in 2024 and having done research into the right distribution
for my needs, I am yet again disgusted by the result. I love everything
about Linux but the result, yet again, is pure demoralization. To read
this idiotic zealot's words and his delusion that any of those 1990s
UNIX distributions were actually pretty simply add salt to the wound.
This is the very limited gamer distro that you tried to install? You can
always tell the pioneers by the arrows in their backs.  I regularly update
Debian, Ubuntu, Lubuntu, and Fedora distros without all that drama.
It's Fedora with tweaks. If you point to it as being bad, you might as
well point to Fedora at the same time.
That makes no sense. You can't blame Fedora for tweaks that break it.
The tweaks are specifically to make sure that anyone wanting to play
games would be able to do so. It provides easy installation for things
that will make Xbox One controllers work, help compatibility for Steam
games, and the software which will help you access your gaming library
from within Linux. Otherwise, it is just Fedora. It wasn't the tweaks
that broke anything; it's Fedora that just committed suicide.
It doesn't follow. Fedora works. Someone tweaks it and renames it as a new
distribution and it doesn't work for you. How do you blame Fedora for that?
I'm guessing the choices made by the developers of this new distribution
worked for their machines, but not necessarily for your machine.
Considering how often this happens and how using the original
distribution ends up doing the same, I won't bother playing this game.
Every time someone faces a problem, it's "not me" or "use this other
distribution." Then, when people prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that
whatever they are facing is definitely a bug in the distribution and not
imaginary, everyone goes silent and definitely doesn't apologize. It's
tiresome. The reason Windows and Mac are winning is because they're
knights fighting a battle with a diseased peasant. It's a battle between
elephants and a chihuahua that is unaware of its own size.
I'm just so tired of this. Almost three decades later and nothing's changed.
Windows and Mac are winning (on the desktop only) because of innertia. Most
people don't even know there is another choice. When they go to Best Buy
they see Windows and Mac OS.
The Copilot Recall crap might make some users look elsewhere.
Windows and Mac are winning because they are just as pretty as they are
functional. Both are comprehensible, both are repairable and both have a
humongous library of decent software and stellar hardware bundled with
them. Linux is what I offer to people whose hardware can no longer run
the mainstream operating systems well anymore. Most of the time, the
people don't mind it but they don't become enamored with it either. In
most cases, they can't wait to be able to upgrade and use Windows or
MacOS again.

You're responding to someone who has been using Linux exclusively for
closing on 20 years. To me Windows and Mac OS are close to incomprehensible.
Or at least a pain the butt to use with directories that seem convoluted and
weird. The Windows Registry and updating procedure is just stupid bad. Linux
provides all the applications I need and, if I bought a brand new computer,
I would still use Linux. Especially now with Microsoft going whole hog into
AI crap.

It is an advantage, of course, that Linux will run on just about any machine
(including the newest ones). As for your use of it, you're kind of like I
was when I first experimented with Linux, over 20 years ago. I was trying to
make it work like Windows. So I would use it for a while and then go back to
Windows. It was only after I committed myself to learning and using Linux
(and only Linux) that I stuck with it long enough to really learn it. I've
appreciated it ever since and have zero desire to go ever go back to

Of course I wasn't trying to play games on Linux — so that's a whole another
issue. Maybe I would have never gone to Linux if I was a game player. Who

As for your friends who like Windows or Mac when they can afford it instead
of Linux, obviously applications that only run on these OSes are important
to them. They're not important to me as I never liked bloated Microsoft crap
applications even when I did use Windows.

[Self-centered, Woke] "pride is a life of self-destructive fakery, an
entrapment to a false and self-created matrix of twisted unreality."
"It was pride that changed angels into devils..."     — St. Augustine

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 May 24 * Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?846Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 May 24 +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?15RonB
22 May 24 i+* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Chris Ahlstrom
23 May 24 ii`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
22 May 24 i+* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3Andrzej Matuch
22 May 24 ii`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Andrzej Matuch
22 May 24 ii `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Joel
22 May 24 i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?9candycanearter07
22 May 24 i +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Diego Garcia
23 May 24 i i`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
23 May 24 i +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 i i`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Joel
23 May 24 i +* Thank you Microsoft.3Relf
23 May 24 i i`* Don't be a WUCI2DFS
23 May 24 i i `- Re: Don't be a WUCI1vallor
23 May 24 i `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
22 May 24 +- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Joel
22 May 24 +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?5rbowman
23 May 24 i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 i `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3rbowman
23 May 24 i  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 i   `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1rbowman
22 May 24 `* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)824Tyrone
22 May 24  +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2Diego Garcia
23 May 24  i`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 May 24  +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?809DFS
22 May 24  i`* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)808Tyrone
23 May 24  i +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)6Joel
23 May 24  i i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 May 24  i i `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Stéphane CARPENTIER
25 May 24  i i  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i i   `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Joel
25 May 24  i i    `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24  i `* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)801Andrzej Matuch
23 May 24  i  +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)750Tyrone
23 May 24  i  i+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)611Joel
23 May 24  i  ii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?610Tyrone
24 May 24  i  ii +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?589Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?588RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?587Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?9Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 May 24  i  ii i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?8Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Joel
24 May 24  i  ii i  i i`- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Chris Ahlstrom
25 May 24  i  ii i  i `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  i `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?570RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?569Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?70Chris Ahlstrom
24 May 24  i  ii i  i i+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?63Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?10Chris Ahlstrom
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?8Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Chris Ahlstrom
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iiiii`- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?5RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii  `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?3RonB
26 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii   `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii    `- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iii`- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1candycanearter07
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?5Stéphane CARPENTIER
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iii +- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iii +- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Chris Ahlstrom
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iii `- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?47rbowman
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?40Joel
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?39%
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?37Joel
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?36rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)35Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)27rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)23Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)12RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)11Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)7RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii i+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)5rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii+- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)3Chris Ahlstrom
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2rbowman
28 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii  `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Chris Ahlstrom
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii i`- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)3rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii  `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii   `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Chris Ahlstrom
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)6Farley Flud
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii`* Re: 🏳️‍🌈Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)🏳️‍🌈5=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?=Jen=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?= Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii `* Re: 🏳️‍🌈Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)🏳️‍🌈4rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii  `* Re: ????Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)????3rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii   `* Re: ????Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)????2rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii    `- Re: 🏳️‍🌈????Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)????🏳️‍🌈1=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?=Jen=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?= Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)4rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii i`- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Joel
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)3RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i +- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)5RonB
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?6Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i+- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i+- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2rbowman
24 May 24  i  ii i  i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?496RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i  `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?7Stéphane CARPENTIER
24 May 24  i  ii +- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
24 May 24  i  ii `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?19rbowman
25 May 24  i  i+* Re: Do MicrosoftsCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?133DFS
25 May 24  i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)5Stéphane CARPENTIER
24 May 24  i  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?50Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?12Lawrence D'Oliveiro

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