Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?

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Sujet : Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?
De : candycanearter07 (at) *nospam* candycanearter07.nomail.afraid (candycanearter07)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 05. Jun 2024, 14:30:06
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Organisation : the-candyden-of-code
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RonB <> wrote at 21:46 this Tuesday (GMT):
On 2024-06-04, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On 2024-06-03 10:33 p.m., rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 3 Jun 2024 20:42:36 -0400, Andrzej Matuch wrote:
Yep, following exact instructions to do the things that I intend to do
with a Linux distribution makes me a moron. It only failed because I
farted while doing it or something. Perhaps I didn't type the commands
fast enough or didn't press Enter at the exact time the planets aligned.
It's not Linux, it's never Linux. Some thing or body else is always at
Why's everybody always picking on me?
I'm not even complaining, I'm used to this behaviour from the Linux
faithful. Whenever someone points out one of Linux's flaws or is soured
on using it because of the rotten experience it provides them, the lot
of you jump on anyone stating the obvious like flies on a turd. Any time
anyone shows Linux to be bad in one way or another, this is the only
response you can provide:
I've allowed (and stated many times) that Linux is probably not a good
choice for game players. I don't play games in Linux, therefore I don't have
the problems you seem to have. It's not rocket science, most video games are
made for the Windows platform. Any Linux Windows game playing solution is
going to be challenging.

True, but Steam has made some effort in that department.

1) Not me, never!
2) You must have done it wrong!
I don't have problems with Linux. Period. But I don't say you've done
something wrong — except (maybe) by picking a new distribution that seems to
be poorly supported and has a small user base.
And then, when it is shown that Linux is the problem beyond a shadow of
a doubt, and the person showing it is only looking for a bug to be fixed
or for some problem to be corrected, you all disappear. It's the same
thing here as it is on Linux forums on the web. Every so often, someone
will "help" by asking the person to execute some obscure command which
ends up doing nothing but making the problem worse.
We "disappear" by responding to you...? Okay, whatever. My "help" was the
suggestion that you find an older, better supported distribution. But I'm
not going to be that helpful to you because I don't play Windows video games
on Linux. Again, I suggest that people who want to play Windows video games
stick with Windows for their OS. How is this "disappearing?" With my limited
knowleged of Windows game playing on Linux, this is the best advice I can
But you're right. Facing serious problems on day _one_ is a lot better
than having to learn something awful like sfc /scannow or dism /online
/cleanup-image /scanhealth whenever problems emerge. Only in the perfect
world of Linux where commands like "tcpdump -A -s 10240 'tcp port 80 and
(((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)' | egrep
--line-buffered "^........(GET |HTTP\/|POST |HEAD )|^[A-Za-z0-9-]+: " |
sed -r 's/^........(GET |HTTP\/|POST |HEAD )/\n\1/g'" are the norm can
anyone be happy.

Why are you using egrep? The sed part of the pipeline also seems a bit

Windows has serious problems. Especially with updating. You know that, we
all know that. It's also spyware and it's getting worse by the day.
I'll say it one more time. If your goal is to play Windows video games,
stick with Windows. For those of use who DON'T play Windows video games, and
could care less about the bloated Microcrap Office Suite, Linux works well.
I simply DO NOT have problems with Linux. Period.

Don't forget Adobe.
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 May 24 * Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?846Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 May 24 +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?15RonB
22 May 24 i+* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Chris Ahlstrom
23 May 24 ii`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
22 May 24 i+* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3Andrzej Matuch
22 May 24 ii`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Andrzej Matuch
22 May 24 ii `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Joel
22 May 24 i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?9candycanearter07
22 May 24 i +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Diego Garcia
23 May 24 i i`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
23 May 24 i +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 i i`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Joel
23 May 24 i +* Thank you Microsoft.3Relf
23 May 24 i i`* Don't be a WUCI2DFS
23 May 24 i i `- Re: Don't be a WUCI1vallor
23 May 24 i `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
22 May 24 +- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Joel
22 May 24 +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?5rbowman
23 May 24 i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 i `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3rbowman
23 May 24 i  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 i   `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1rbowman
22 May 24 `* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)824Tyrone
22 May 24  +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2Diego Garcia
23 May 24  i`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 May 24  +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?809DFS
22 May 24  i`* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)808Tyrone
23 May 24  i +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)6Joel
23 May 24  i i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 May 24  i i `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Stéphane CARPENTIER
25 May 24  i i  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i i   `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Joel
25 May 24  i i    `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24  i `* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)801Andrzej Matuch
23 May 24  i  +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)750Tyrone
23 May 24  i  i+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)611Joel
23 May 24  i  ii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?610Tyrone
24 May 24  i  ii +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?589Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?588RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?587Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?9Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 May 24  i  ii i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?8Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Joel
24 May 24  i  ii i  i i`- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Chris Ahlstrom
25 May 24  i  ii i  i `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  i `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?570RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?569Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?70Chris Ahlstrom
24 May 24  i  ii i  i i+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?63Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?10Chris Ahlstrom
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?8Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Chris Ahlstrom
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iiiii`- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?5RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii  `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?3RonB
26 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii   `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii    `- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iii`- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1candycanearter07
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?5Stéphane CARPENTIER
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iii +- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iii +- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Chris Ahlstrom
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iii `- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?47rbowman
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?40Joel
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?39%
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?37Joel
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?36rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)35Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)27rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)23Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)12RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)11Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)7RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii i+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)5rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii+- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)3Chris Ahlstrom
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2rbowman
28 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii  `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Chris Ahlstrom
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii i`- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)3rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii  `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii   `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Chris Ahlstrom
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)6Farley Flud
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii`* Re: 🏳️‍🌈Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)🏳️‍🌈5=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?=Jen=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?= Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii `* Re: 🏳️‍🌈Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)🏳️‍🌈4rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii  `* Re: ????Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)????3rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii   `* Re: ????Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)????2rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii    `- Re: 🏳️‍🌈????Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)????🏳️‍🌈1=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?=Jen=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?= Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)4rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii i`- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Joel
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)3RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i +- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)5RonB
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?6Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i+- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i+- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2rbowman
24 May 24  i  ii i  i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?496RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i  `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?7Stéphane CARPENTIER
24 May 24  i  ii +- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
24 May 24  i  ii `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?19rbowman
25 May 24  i  i+* Re: Do MicrosoftsCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?133DFS
25 May 24  i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)5Stéphane CARPENTIER
24 May 24  i  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?50Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?12Lawrence D'Oliveiro

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