Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!

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Sujet : Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!
De : joelcrump (at) *nospam* (Joel)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 25. Jun 2024, 12:17:38
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DFS <> wrote:
On 6/24/2024 7:11 PM, Andrzej Matuch wrote:
On 2024-06-24 18:59, Joel wrote:
Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
We're supposed to believe that life
emerged from nothing even though that is scientifically impossible, and
that a series of mutations, all beneficial, led to us becoming what we
are today. Meanwhile, mutations are almost always negative and/or fatal.
We're also supposed to believe that we evolved from apes even though it
would take several hundred million mutations, all beneficial, for them
to turn into us. This is somehow science even though it is not only
contrary to all scientific laws but logic.
Right, they will say it was millions or billions of years of
mutations, or whatever, but I'd give them a trillion years, it still
wouldn't create anything like an orange tree or a human being, it's
laughable.  God wanted it to *look* like it could be what we call
"evolution", and it's fine for science to theorize it as such, but
intuition tells us that it's hooey.
I'm surprised that we agree. I guess I've judged you too harshly.
Joel and Slimer bonding over shared delusions... but I don't see a
dinner party in their future.

I like Andrzej, for all our differences, he has an interesting
intellect.  As do you, of course.

The Apostles Creed:
"I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in
Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the
Holy Ghost, and born of the virgin, Mary. He suffered under Pontius
Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hades. On
the third day He rose again from the dead, ascended into Heaven, and
sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He will
come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the
holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen."
I was raised Catholic and spent YEARS being subjected to this absurd
nonsense.  My wife is also Catholic (non-practicing) and I occasionally
attend a Sunday service with her nice family, but I literally chuckle
when reading the hymnals and missives and listening to the priest
blather on.
Luckily my father was a devout atheist.

God appreciates atheists, these days, with all the right-wing nutjobs
who purport to follow Jesus, good lord they are Satanic, in reality.
You're *conservative* in a more genuine sense, not a Trump fan, not a
moron.  I appreciate that perspective, all the more now, e.g. with
Liz Cheney and so forth.

Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent.  States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
24 Jun 24 * Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!67Joel
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27 Jun 24       i `- Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!1Chris Ahlstrom
27 Jun 24       `* Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!13RonB
27 Jun 24        `* Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!12Chris Ahlstrom
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28 Jun21:59             `* Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!6Chris Ahlstrom
29 Jun01:08              `* Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!5RonB
29 Jun14:36               `* Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!4Chris Ahlstrom
29 Jun17:35                `* Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!3RonB
29 Jun20:19                 `* Re: Heroic Game Launcher... BRAVO!2Chris Ahlstrom
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