Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).

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Sujet : Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).
De : ronb02NOSPAM (at) *nospam* (RonB)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 26. Jun 2024, 16:47:57
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v5h9mt$266pr$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
User-Agent : slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
On 2024-06-26, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On 2024-06-25 20:50, RonB wrote:
On 2024-06-26, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
On 2024-06-25 20:01, RonB wrote:
On 2024-06-25, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:
On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 01:52:09 -0400, Joel wrote:
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:
He doesn't follow God, he's a racist, a phobe, a Catholic dupe.
The accumulation of evidence is overwhelming by now that there is no
contradiction between the first of those things and the rest.
Or so it would be convenient for an atheist to assert ...
Religionists do tend to prioritize their ideology over evidence, don’t
Evolutionists are big on "just so" stories. They believe (by faith) how the
extremely highly improbable always just "mystically" happens, and that
"evolution" somehow knows how to anticipate the thousands of necessary
mutations that will eventually all work (beneficially) together towards some
specific goal.
And this is all supposed to be a result of blind "chance."
You have to be amazingly gullible to believe this crap. That's why
evolutionists claim there is the so-called "fact" of evolution (in other
words what they believe by faith) and the "theories" of evolution (in other
words the pathetic attempts at explaining this extremely improbable theory).
Basically what evolutionists do is give "Evolution" God-like powers endowing
it with the ability to create whatever is needed so "support" the theory.
     “The fact of evolution is the backbone of biology, and biology is thus in
     the peculiar position of being a science founded on an unproved theory —
     is it then a science or a faith? Belief in the theory is thus exactly
     parallel to the belief in special creation, both are concepts which
     believers know to be true but neither, up to the present, has been
     capable of proof.”
     – L Harrison Matthews, Introduction to Charles Darwin, Origin of the
     Species (1971 edition)
     “To postulate that the development and survival of the fittest is
     entirely a consequence of chance mutations seems to me a hypothesis based
     on no evidence and irreconcilable with the facts. These classical
     evolutionary theories are a gross over-simplification of an immensely
     complex and intricate mass of facts, and it amazes me that they are
     swallowed so uncritically and readily, and for such a long time, by so
     many scientists without murmur of protest.”
     (Sir Ernest Chain, Nobel Prize winner, as cited in “Was Darwin Wrong” by
     Francis Hitching, LIFE magazine, April 1982, p.50)
     “Our willingness to accept scientific claims that are against common
     sense is the key to an understanding of the real struggle between science
     and the supernatural. We take the side of science in spite of the patent
     absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill
     many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the
     tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so
     stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.
     It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us
     to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the
     contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes
     to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that
     produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter
     how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is
     absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.”
     Lewontin, Richard C. [Professor of Zoology and Biology, Harvard
     University], “Billions and Billions of Demons”, Review of “The
     Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark,” by Carl Sagan, New
     York Review, January 9, 1997.
     Few people outside of genetics or biochemistry realize that evolutionists
     still can provide no substantive details at all about the origin of life,
     and particularly the origin of genetic information in the first
     self-replicating organism….How did huge information-rich molecules arise
     before natural selection? Exactly how did the genetic code linking
     nucleic acids to amino acid sequence originate? Clearly the origin of
     life – the foundation of evolution – is still virtually all speculation,
     and little or no fact.
     — Dr. Christopher Williams, professor of biochemistry at Ohio State
     “That a mindless, purposeless, chance process such as natural selection,
     acting on the sequels of recombinant DNA or random mutation, most of
     which are injurious or fatal, could fabricate such complexity and
     organisation as the vertebrate eye, where each component part must carry
     out its own distinctive task in a harmoniously functioning optical unit,
     is inconceivable. The absence of transitional forms between the
     invertebrate’s retina and that of the vertebrates poses another
     difficulty. Here there is a great gulf fixed which remains inviolate with
     no seeming likelihood of ever being bridged. The total picture speaks of
     intelligent creative design of an infinitely high order.”
     Dr H. S. Hamilton. MD. ‘The Retina of the Eye – An Evolutionary Road
Evolution is a sad joke.
I love that I can count on you to fill in the blanks for whatever
general statement I make. I finished reading a book on the matter a few
weeks ago and have never had my faith so strongly confirmed before. They
mock us for our strong belief in God all the while believing in their
own theories in a way that is not dissimilar.
They believe in the "fact" of evolution (by faith) because they think it
frees them from believing in God. The theories of evolution, themselves, are
I never realized _how_ absurd they were until it was made clear to me
through some additional reading. Like everyone else who went to school
after the 1960s, evolution was taught to me as fact. I would say that it
played a big role in compromising my belief in God.

That was the point. Materialism. That's why "agnostics" (atheists) like
Huxley ("Darwin's bulldog") were so anxious to glom on to the theory and
promote it — even though Darwin, himself, claimed to believe in God.

[Self-centered, Woke] "pride is a life of self-destructive fakery, an
entrapment to a false and self-created matrix of twisted unreality."
"It was pride that changed angels into devils..."     — St. Augustine

Date Sujet#  Auteur
8 May 24 * Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).216Relf
8 May 24 `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).215Joel
8 May 24  `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).214Lawrence D'Oliveiro
8 May 24   +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).33rbowman
8 May 24   i+* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).31Lawrence D'Oliveiro
8 May 24   ii`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).30rbowman
8 May 24   ii `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).29Lawrence D'Oliveiro
9 May 24   ii  `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).28rbowman
9 May 24   ii   `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).27Lawrence D'Oliveiro
9 May 24   ii    `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).26rbowman
9 May 24   ii     `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).25Lawrence D'Oliveiro
9 May 24   ii      +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).2rbowman
9 May 24   ii      i`- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
10 May 24   ii      `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).22Stéphane CARPENTIER
10 May 24   ii       +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).4rbowman
10 May 24   ii       i`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
11 May 24   ii       i `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).2rbowman
11 May 24   ii       i  `- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
10 May 24   ii       `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).17Farley Flud
10 May 24   ii        `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).16Stéphane CARPENTIER
10 May 24   ii         `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).15Farley Flud
11 May 24   ii          +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).13Stéphane CARPENTIER
11 May 24   ii          i+* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).7Farley Flud
11 May 24   ii          ii+- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Joel
11 May 24   ii          ii+- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1rbowman
12 May 24   ii          ii+* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).3Stéphane CARPENTIER
12 May 24   ii          iii+- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Stéphane CARPENTIER
13 May 24   ii          iii`- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Chris Ahlstrom
12 May 24   ii          ii`- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Chris Ahlstrom
11 May 24   ii          i`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).5rbowman
11 May 24   ii          i `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).4Stéphane CARPENTIER
12 May 24   ii          i  +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).2rbowman
12 May 24   ii          i  i`- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
12 May 24   ii          i  `- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Chris Ahlstrom
12 May 24   ii          `- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1DFS
8 May 24   i`- I MANUALLY uninstalled Python 3.6.1Relf
8 May 24   +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).22Farley Flud
8 May 24   i+* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).4rbowman
8 May 24   ii+* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).2Farley Flud
9 May 24   iii`- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1rbowman
8 May 24   ii`- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1candycanearter07
10 May 24   i`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).17Stéphane CARPENTIER
10 May 24   i +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).14rbowman
10 May 24   i i+* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).7Stéphane CARPENTIER
10 May 24   i ii+- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
10 May 24   i ii`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).5rbowman
11 May 24   i ii +- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
11 May 24   i ii `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).3Stéphane CARPENTIER
12 May 24   i ii  `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
12 May 24   i ii   `- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Stéphane CARPENTIER
10 May 24   i i+* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
11 May 24   i ii`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).4rbowman
11 May 24   i ii `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
11 May 24   i ii  `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).2rbowman
11 May 24   i ii   `- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
15 May 24   i i`- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Sebastian
10 May 24   i `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
11 May 24   i  `- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Stéphane CARPENTIER
8 May 24   `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).158DFS
8 May 24    `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).157Lawrence D'Oliveiro
9 May 24     +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).151rbowman
9 May 24     i`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).150Lawrence D'Oliveiro
9 May 24     i `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).149rbowman
9 May 24     i  `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).148Lawrence D'Oliveiro
9 May 24     i   `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).147rbowman
9 May 24     i    `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).146Lawrence D'Oliveiro
9 May 24     i     `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).145rbowman
9 May 24     i      +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).135DFS
10 May 24     i      i+* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).133Lawrence D'Oliveiro
10 May 24     i      ii`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).132rbowman
10 May 24     i      ii +- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
15 May 24     i      ii `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).130Sebastian
15 May 24     i      ii  +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).4Lawrence D'Oliveiro
15 May 24     i      ii  i+- USENET isn't indexed.1Relf
16 May 24     i      ii  i`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).2Sebastian
16 May 24     i      ii  i `- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Andrzej Matuch
15 May 24     i      ii  `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).125Chris Ahlstrom
15 May 24     i      ii   +- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Chris Ahlstrom
15 May 24     i      ii   `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).123Andrzej Matuch
16 May 24     i      ii    +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).97Sebastian
16 May 24     i      ii    i`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).96Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 May 24     i      ii    i `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).95rbowman
17 May 24     i      ii    i  `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).94Lawrence D'Oliveiro
17 May 24     i      ii    i   +- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1rbowman
17 May 24     i      ii    i   +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).2rbowman
19 May 24     i      ii    i   i`- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1RonB
19 May 24     i      ii    i   `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).90Sebastian
28 May 24     i      ii    i    `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).89Lawrence D'Oliveiro
28 May 24     i      ii    i     +- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Joel
28 May 24     i      ii    i     +- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Joel
29 May 24     i      ii    i     `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).86Lawrence D'Oliveiro
29 May 24     i      ii    i      +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).2RonB
29 May 24     i      ii    i      i`- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Joel
29 May 24     i      ii    i      +- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Joel
29 May 24     i      ii    i      +- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Joel
3 Jun 24     i      ii    i      `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).81Lawrence D'Oliveiro
3 Jun 24     i      ii    i       +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).79Joel Crump
25 Jun 24     i      ii    i       i`* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).78Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 Jun 24     i      ii    i       i `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).77Joel
25 Jun 24     i      ii    i       i  +- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1rbowman
25 Jun 24     i      ii    i       i  `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).75Lawrence D'Oliveiro
3 Jun 24     i      ii    i       `- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1RonB
16 May 24     i      ii    +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).17Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 May 24     i      ii    +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).4Chris Ahlstrom
17 May 24     i      ii    `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).4RonB
10 May 24     i      i`- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1rbowman
10 May 24     i      +* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).8Lawrence D'Oliveiro
10 May 24     i      `- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Chris Ahlstrom
9 May 24     +- Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
9 May 24     `* Re: Find "py.exe" & copy it to "Python" (flat, no extension).4candycanearter07

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