Re: Workstation Aesthetics

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Sujet : Re: Workstation Aesthetics
De : ronb02NOSPAM (at) *nospam* (RonB)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 30. Jun 2024, 08:34:10
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v5qu92$cq71$>
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On 2024-06-30, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
RonB wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
On 2024-06-29, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
RonB wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
On 2024-06-29, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
rbowman wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
On Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:07:12 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
I cut Biden a little slack for having just completed a number of
meetings with world leaders across the world, but others won't.
After a week of prep he should have been rested and loaded for bear. I
didn't watch the debate but quite a few X posts had video clips. I watched
a couple and really thought they must have been edited or faked somehow.
They weren't.
In 2020, Biden was able to withstand, his stuttering issue notwithstanding,
Trump's unchecked Gish gallop.
In 2024, not so much.
I didn't watch the debate but the clips I did see didn't look much different
than Biden at various functions for at least the last year. I'm actually
feeling a bit sorry for him at this point.
Probably the most absurd part of it was when Trump and Biden (both around 80
years old) started arguing about their freaking golf games. Good grief, grow
up — at least try to stay focused.
Probably the biggest insult to Biden was from Jill Biden at the
"after-debate" "party?" (gathering?), when she says (loudly and
patronizingly like Biden is third grader with learning disabilities) "You
did a GOOD job, Joe." Is she his wife or his schoolmarm? (And this was
after she had to lead him off the stage — couldn't someone in the Secret
Service have taken care of that?)
I tend to believe the Democrats knew this would happen and scheduled this
debate very early so they would have time to try to convince Biden to quit.
Nothing else makes sense.
I know one thing. I'm not voting for either of these two.
I kind of agree. Except I'll vote for Biden even if he is in hospice.
Trump is insane.
He's a blustering idiot, but he dutifully does what his masters tell him to
do. What decision did he make (as president) that makes you think he's
His presidential decisions are a mixed bag, most of them misguided.
His insanity lies in this unhinged ALL-CAPS rants and the cockamamie
stories he tells at this rallies. Yes, he'll go along with Project 2025,
as long as he gets his cut.

What is Project 2025? WEF crap, or something else?

I know he did a lot better job of keeping us out of wars than has
Biden — or, rather, Biden's handlers.
Under Trump, the number of drone assassinations exceeded those of Obama's.
Trump hung our Kurdish allies out to dry in Syria. Trump invited the Taliban to
Camp David. Trump left a big Afghanistan exit mess for Biden to deal with
(poorly). Trump would more actively support Israel and it's over-the-top
destruction in Gaza.  He ain't no peace-maker.

You're going to blame Trump for Biden's screw up in Afghanistan now? That's
a stretch too far to go. I can't believe Trump would have just up and left
without any kind of tactical retreat or by abandoning our weapons there. This
has got to one of the stupidest things that Biden and the morons he put in
charge of our military ever did.

As for the Taliban, at least they were able to get rid of the opium trade in
Afghanistan (which thrived under "out" (the "Deep States'") watch).

As for the Kurds, Trump wanted to get us out of Syria. We had NO business
being there in the first place. Basically the Deep State told the Commander
and Chief, "no, we're not leaving." So much for the rule of law in our

As for Israel, yeah, Trump is a champion Nut-Yahoo kiss-ass. But Biden tries
to have it both ways. We're pouring in the supplies while pretending to
oppose Israeli genocide. At least Trump is honest about his Israeli
butt-kissing tendencies.

Meanwhile Biden has gotten us to the brink of WWIII, simultaneously pissing
off both the Russians and the Chinese. We're supporting an unelected dictator
in Ukraine, while insuring that the enslaved Ukrainians fight for us down to
the last Ukrainian — in an insane war to "weaken Russia." Any coincidence
that Biden's son had a sweetheart deal in Ukraine, when Biden was
vice-president (emphasis on "vice.")

The reason Putin "must go" is because he told the Rothschild's to get lost
and reclaimed Russia's natural resources for the Russian people. That's
deadly for most countries. Look at Iraq, Hussein decided to abandon the
petrodollar. We went to war against him (even though he had been our ally in
our proxy war on Iran). Libya, ditto. Qaddafi was creating an African
currency based on gold and NOT the petrodollar. Again war. That's what our
country does, fights for our corporations and the Rothschild controlled

Would Trump have done the same thing Biden did with Russia? Probably,
because he kowtows to the same masters. Trump thinks he could bluster Putin
into doing what he wants, but Putin does what's right for his people, unlike
our worthless politicians. 

Sorry for rambling. But if you think Biden is any good (at all) you're
delusional. I have no such delusions about Trump.

[Self-centered, Woke] "pride is a life of self-destructive fakery, an
entrapment to a false and self-created matrix of twisted unreality."
"It was pride that changed angels into devils..."     — St. Augustine

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 May 24 * Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?846Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 May 24 +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?15RonB
22 May 24 i+* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Chris Ahlstrom
23 May 24 ii`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
22 May 24 i+* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3Andrzej Matuch
22 May 24 ii`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Andrzej Matuch
22 May 24 ii `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Joel
22 May 24 i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?9candycanearter07
22 May 24 i +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Diego Garcia
23 May 24 i i`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
23 May 24 i +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 i i`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Joel
23 May 24 i +* Thank you Microsoft.3Relf
23 May 24 i i`* Don't be a WUCI2DFS
23 May 24 i i `- Re: Don't be a WUCI1vallor
23 May 24 i `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
22 May 24 +- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Joel
22 May 24 +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?5rbowman
23 May 24 i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 i `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3rbowman
23 May 24 i  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 i   `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1rbowman
22 May 24 `* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)824Tyrone
22 May 24  +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2Diego Garcia
23 May 24  i`- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 May 24  +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?809DFS
22 May 24  i`* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)808Tyrone
23 May 24  i +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)6Joel
23 May 24  i i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 May 24  i i `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Stéphane CARPENTIER
25 May 24  i i  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i i   `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Joel
25 May 24  i i    `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24  i `* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)801Andrzej Matuch
23 May 24  i  +* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)750Tyrone
23 May 24  i  i+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)611Joel
23 May 24  i  ii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?610Tyrone
24 May 24  i  ii +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?589Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?588RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?587Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?9Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 May 24  i  ii i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?8Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Joel
24 May 24  i  ii i  i i`- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Chris Ahlstrom
25 May 24  i  ii i  i `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  +* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?3rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  i `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i  `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?570RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?569Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?70Chris Ahlstrom
24 May 24  i  ii i  i i+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?63Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?10Chris Ahlstrom
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?8Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Chris Ahlstrom
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iiiii`- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?5RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii  `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?3RonB
26 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii   `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24  i  ii i  i iiii    `- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iii`- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1candycanearter07
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?5Stéphane CARPENTIER
24 May 24  i  ii i  i iii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?4Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iii +- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iii +- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Chris Ahlstrom
25 May 24  i  ii i  i iii `- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Andrzej Matuch
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?47rbowman
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?40Joel
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?39%
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?37Joel
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?36rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)35Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)27rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)23Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)12RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)11Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)7RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii i+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)5rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii+- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)3Chris Ahlstrom
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2rbowman
28 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii ii  `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Chris Ahlstrom
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii i`- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)3rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii  `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2Andrzej Matuch
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii   `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Chris Ahlstrom
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii+* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)6Farley Flud
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii`* Re: 🏳️‍🌈Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)🏳️‍🌈5=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?=Jen=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?= Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii `* Re: 🏳️‍🌈Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)🏳️‍🌈4rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii  `* Re: ????Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)????3rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii   `* Re: ????Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)????2rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  iii    `- Re: 🏳️‍🌈????Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft?s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)????🏳️‍🌈1=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?=Jen=?UTF-8?B?8J+MiPCfkpDwn4y78J+MuvCfjLnwn4y78J+SkPCfjLfwn4y68J+MiA==?= Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)4rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii i`- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1rbowman
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  ii `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1Joel
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i`* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)3RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i +- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  i `- Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  +* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)5RonB
26 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i i  `* Re: Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)2rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i ii i `- Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 May 24  i  ii i  i ii `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?6Andrzej Matuch
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i+- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i+- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i+* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i i`* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2rbowman
24 May 24  i  ii i  i +* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?2rbowman
25 May 24  i  ii i  i `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?496RonB
24 May 24  i  ii i  `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?7Stéphane CARPENTIER
24 May 24  i  ii +- Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?1RonB
24 May 24  i  ii `* Re: Do Microsoft?sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?19rbowman
25 May 24  i  i+* Re: Do MicrosoftsCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?133DFS
25 May 24  i  i`* Re: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux? (was: Do Microsoft’sCopilot+ PCs Require Linux?)5Stéphane CARPENTIER
24 May 24  i  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?50Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24  `* Re: Do Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?12Lawrence D'Oliveiro

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