Re: The problem with not owning the software

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Sujet : Re: The problem with not owning the software
De : guhnoo-basher (at) *nospam* linux.advocaca (DFS)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 31. Dec 2024, 18:09:55
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <vl18h3$2akln$>
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On 12/31/2024 5:10 AM, Stéphane CARPENTIER wrote:
Le 31-12-2024, DFS <guhnoo-basher@linux.advocaca> a écrit :
On 12/21/2024 7:26 AM, CrudeSausage wrote:
The moment you require an online account to verify if you are the person
who bought the software, you don't own it.
You don't own GuhNoo-GPL software either.  The only sofware you actually
own is stuff you write for yourself, or that you get copyright to.
You don't own public domain stuff, either.
 It means nothing to own an immaterial stuff in a general sense. Nobody
owns any software, music or book. Some own the right on it, it's not the
same. Or some own a digital copy of it. It's still not the same.
It means a LOT to own digital and intellectual property: software, music, books, videos, patents, blueprints, even recipes such as the Coca-Cola formula.  Any intellectual property can and almost always is owned by a legal entity, be it you or me or Microsoft or Paramount Pictures (movie studio).  I'm not telling you anything new.
"This software is licensed, not sold" is the basis for Microsoft's immense wealth and power.

Now, you can own the exclusive privilege to manage what's on your own
computer (in a large sense, a smartphone is a computer, too). With FOSS,
you can be the master. With Windows and Mac, you can hope they won't do
anything bad, but you have no certainty.
Linux users THINK they can be the master, but since virtually nobody audits FOSS code it's easy for a bad actor to mess with Linux systems. For instance, until I told him about it, the pathetic and smug Feeb didn't know his precious Cooledit spyware program phoned home upon install to tell the developer about the computer it was being installed on.
Open or closed source, it's all based on trust.  I trust MS, but I feel a little more certain Linux distros and FOSS developers won't mess with my software installation.
But day to day, I don't even think about it.

Microsoft already changed
Windows behaviour putting the config files on their cloud. You can tell
as long as you want, that without proof we can't accuse them of
anything. The fact remains that never doing anything bad in the past is
no certainty they won't change in the future.
Yes.  The situation that MS can and has mistakenly deactivated valid Windows license keys is a travesty.

Look at what Amazon did, when people believed they managed the kindle
and the books they bought. Before, there was no proof. After, there is
proof, but it's too late:
You can say that they removed illegal stuff refunding the customers, but
the fact remains: people discovered Amazon, not they, manage the kindle
they had in their hands and can interfere.
ALL this is a battle between good and evil:
Good: content creators and Windows users
Evil: pirates and Linux people

Date Sujet#  Auteur
21 Dec 24 * Re: The problem with not owning the software201Mr. Man-wai Chang
23 Dec 24 +* Re: The problem with not owning the software180Mr. Man-wai Chang
24 Dec 24 i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software179Ant
25 Dec 24 i +* Re: The problem with not owning the software177Mr. Man-wai Chang
25 Dec 24 i i+- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Ant
25 Dec 24 i i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software175Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 Dec 24 i i `* Re: The problem with not owning the software174Mr. Man-wai Chang
28 Dec 24 i i  +* Re: The problem with not owning the software158Lawrence D'Oliveiro
28 Dec 24 i i  i+- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Mr. Man-wai Chang
28 Dec 24 i i  i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software156rbowman
29 Dec 24 i i  i +* Re: The problem with not owning the software107rbowman
29 Dec 24 i i  i i+* Re: The problem with not owning the software93Ant
29 Dec 24 i i  i ii+* Re: The problem with not owning the software26rbowman
29 Dec 24 i i  i iii`* Re: The problem with not owning the software25Carlos E.R.
29 Dec 24 i i  i iii +* Re: The problem with not owning the software15Frank Slootweg
29 Dec 24 i i  i iii i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software14Carlos E.R.
30 Dec 24 i i  i iii i `* Re: The problem with not owning the software13Frank Slootweg
31 Dec 24 i i  i iii i  `* Re: The problem with not owning the software12Carlos E.R.
31 Dec 24 i i  i iii i   `* Re: The problem with not owning the software11Frank Slootweg
31 Dec 24 i i  i iii i    +* Re: The problem with not owning the software9Chris Ahlstrom
31 Dec 24 i i  i iii i    i+* Re: The problem with not owning the software6rbowman
1 Jan 25 i i  i iii i    ii`* Re: The problem with not owning the software5Chris Ahlstrom
2 Jan 25 i i  i iii i    ii `* Re: The problem with not owning the software4rbowman
2 Jan 25 i i  i iii i    ii  `* Re: The problem with not owning the software3Chris
2 Jan 25 i i  i iii i    ii   `* Re: The problem with not owning the software2rbowman
4 Jan 25 i i  i iii i    ii    `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Chris
31 Dec 24 i i  i iii i    i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software2Farley Flud
4 Jan 25 i i  i iii i    i `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1DFS
31 Dec 24 i i  i iii i    `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Carlos E.R.
29 Dec 24 i i  i iii +- Re: The problem with not owning the software1rbowman
29 Dec 24 i i  i iii +- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
30 Dec 24 i i  i iii +* Re: The problem with not owning the software4-hh
30 Dec 24 i i  i iii i+- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Carlos E.R.
30 Dec 24 i i  i iii i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
30 Dec 24 i i  i iii i `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1rbowman
30 Dec 24 i i  i iii `* Re: The problem with not owning the software3Chris
31 Dec 24 i i  i iii  `* Re: The problem with not owning the software2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
31 Dec 24 i i  i iii   `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Chris
29 Dec 24 i i  i ii+- Re: The problem with not owning the software1rbowman
29 Dec 24 i i  i ii`* Re: The problem with not owning the software65Frank Slootweg
29 Dec 24 i i  i ii `* Re: The problem with not owning the software64rbowman
30 Dec 24 i i  i ii  `* Re: The problem with not owning the software63-hh
30 Dec 24 i i  i ii   +* Re: The problem with not owning the software3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
30 Dec 24 i i  i ii   i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software2-hh
31 Dec 24 i i  i ii   i `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
30 Dec 24 i i  i ii   +* Re: The problem with not owning the software2rbowman
30 Dec 24 i i  i ii   i`- Re: The problem with not owning the software1-hh
30 Dec 24 i i  i ii   `* Re: The problem with not owning the software57Chris
31 Dec 24 i i  i ii    `* Re: The problem with not owning the software56Lawrence D'Oliveiro
1 Jan 25 i i  i ii     `* Re: The problem with not owning the software55Chris
1 Jan 25 i i  i ii      `* Re: The problem with not owning the software54Lawrence D'Oliveiro
1 Jan 25 i i  i ii       +* Re: The problem with not owning the software3DFS
1 Jan 25 i i  i ii       i+- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2 Jan 25 i i  i ii       i`- Re: The problem with not owning the software1rbowman
2 Jan 25 i i  i ii       +- Re: The problem with not owning the software1rbowman
2 Jan 25 i i  i ii       `* Re: The problem with not owning the software49Paul
2 Jan 25 i i  i ii        +- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2 Jan 25 i i  i ii        `* Re: The problem with not owning the software47Chris
2 Jan 25 i i  i ii         `* Re: The problem with not owning the software46Lawrence D'Oliveiro
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii          `* Re: The problem with not owning the software45Chris
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii           `* Re: The problem with not owning the software44Lawrence D'Oliveiro
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            +* Re: The problem with not owning the software4Chris
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i `* Re: The problem with not owning the software2Chris
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            +* Re: The problem with not owning the software10DFS
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i+* Re: The problem with not owning the software2vallor
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            ii`- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Chris Ahlstrom
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software7DFS
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i +* Re: The problem with not owning the software5Stéphane CARPENTIER
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software4DFS
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i i `* Re: The problem with not owning the software3Stéphane CARPENTIER
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i i  `* The Desktop Environment (was: Re: The problem with not owning the software)2vallor
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i i   `- Re: The Desktop Environment (was: Re: The problem with not owning the software)1pothead
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1rbowman
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            +* Re: The problem with not owning the software28Frank Slootweg
4 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software27Sn!pe
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i `* Re: The problem with not owning the software26Lawrence D'Oliveiro
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  +* Re: The problem with not owning the software14Chris
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i+- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Sn!pe
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software12Lawrence D'Oliveiro
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i `* Re: The problem with not owning the software11Chris
6 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i  `* Re: The problem with not owning the software10Lawrence D'Oliveiro
6 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i   `* Re: The problem with not owning the software9Chris
6 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i    `* Re: The problem with not owning the software8Lawrence D'Oliveiro
7 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i     `* Re: The problem with not owning the software7Chris
7 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i      `* Re: The problem with not owning the software6Lawrence D'Oliveiro
7 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i       +- Re: The problem with not owning the software1rbowman
7 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i       `* Re: The problem with not owning the software4Chris
8 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i        `* Re: The problem with not owning the software3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
8 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i         `* Re: The problem with not owning the software2Chris
8 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i          `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  +* [OT] Re: The problem with not owning the software5Sn!pe
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i`* Re: [OT] Re: The problem with not owning the software4Lawrence D'Oliveiro
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i `* Re: [OT] Re: The problem with not owning the software3Sn!pe
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i  `* Re: [OT] Re: The problem with not owning the software2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
8 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i   `- Re: [OT] Re: The problem with not owning the software1DFS
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  +* [OT] Re: The problem with not owning the software5Sn!pe
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i+* Re: [OT] Re: The problem with not owning the software3-hh
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  ii`* Re: [OT] Re: The problem with not owning the software2Chris Ahlstrom
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  ii `- Re: [OT] Re: The problem with not owning the software1-hh
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  i`- Re: [OT] Re: The problem with not owning the software1Sn!pe
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            i  `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Chris
5 Jan 25 i i  i ii            `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Paul
29 Dec 24 i i  i i`* Re: The problem with not owning the software13rbowman
29 Dec 24 i i  i +* Re: The problem with not owning the software7rbowman
29 Dec 24 i i  i +- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Ken Blake
29 Dec 24 i i  i +* Re: The problem with not owning the software18-hh
30 Dec 24 i i  i +- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Chris
31 Dec 24 i i  i +- Re: The problem with not owning the software1DFS
1 Jan 25 i i  i +- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Physfitfreak
2 Jan 25 i i  i `* Re: The problem with not owning the software19Chris
31 Dec 24 i i  `* Re: The problem with not owning the software15DFS
25 Dec 24 i `- Re: The problem with not owning the software1Mr. Man-wai Chang
30 Dec 24 +* Re: The problem with not owning the software16Chris
31 Dec 24 `* Re: The problem with not owning the software4DFS

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