Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along

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Sujet : Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along
De : ff (at) *nospam* (Farley Flud)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 07. Jan 2025, 22:32:17
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Organisation : UsenetExpress -
Message-ID : <pan$48166$b0deb5a9$f354df4f$>
References : 1 2
On Tue, 7 Jan 2025 09:03:53 -0500, -hh wrote:

Gosh, I've been losing track of how many times of late where Feeb has
been thrown money around to solve his [GNU/]Linux problems.

I have no GNU/Linux problems.  I understand every facet of GNU/Linux
operation so that I am able to build, boot, and configure a unique
system totally from scratch.

What can you do other than to blindly install a standard, mainstream,
do-it-all-for-you distro?

You are definitely not one to judge.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

If I've kept track well, this hardware build started back on 12/18/24, a
mere 21 days ago.

Why would you, or anyone, desire to "keep track?"

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

You've got serious psychological issues.  I suggest that you
contact the nearest competent therapist.

...or to stroke his ego,

The fact that you've taken time to post this ridiculous message
only indicates that it is *you* who has "ego" problems.

But what the fuck is "ego?"

I was a board certified neuropsychiatrist of the Freudian school
at the age of 16 and I never encountered an adequate laymen
description of the term "ego."

Since then I've learned to dismiss the use of "ego" as being
the rant of idiots.

Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
7 Jan 25 * Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along14-hh
7 Jan22:32 +* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along12Farley Flud
8 Jan03:43 i+* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along10-hh
8 Jan11:49 ii`* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along9Lester Thorpe
8 Jan15:20 ii +* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along6-hh
8 Jan16:18 ii i`* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along5Farley Flud
8 Jan18:07 ii i `* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along4rbowman
8 Jan18:56 ii i  +- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1Chris Ahlstrom
8 Jan21:44 ii i  +- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1Nick Charles
9 Jan09:37 ii i  `- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1RonB
8 Jan20:55 ii `* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along2Physfitfreak
8 Jan21:19 ii  `- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1-hh
8 Jan18:17 i`- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1DFS
8 Jan15:27 `- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1-hh

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