Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along

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Sujet : Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along
De : recscuba_google (at) *nospam* (-hh)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 08. Jan 2025, 03:43:24
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <vlkooc$2cdmc$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 1/7/25 4:32 PM, Farley Flud wrote:
On Tue, 7 Jan 2025 09:03:53 -0500, -hh wrote:
Gosh, I've been losing track of how many times of late where Feeb has
been thrown money around to solve his [GNU/]Linux problems.
 I have no GNU/Linux problems.  I understand every facet of GNU/Linux
operation so that I am able to build, boot, and configure a unique
system totally from scratch.
No problems...except for 3 public attempts in ~6 months which illustrate otherwise.  Its not even clear if any of them were successful or not.

What can you do other than to blindly install a standard, mainstream,
do-it-all-for-you distro?
Not waste weeks of my time on it.  Do you also insist on driving a car with a manual clutch, manual choke, & manual spark advance too?

You are definitely not one to judge.
 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Judge?  Nah, I've simply admitted that your trolls were inadequate for motivating this 3rd party to keep track of just how much effort you've invested to be spinning your wheels by gimping all of these kluges.

...or to stroke his ego,
 The fact that you've taken time to post this ridiculous message
only indicates that it is *you* who has "ego" problems.
Untrue, for you were compelled to snip to alter the above statement.

But what the fuck is "ego?"
ELI5: it is what was bruised by the statement portion you snipped.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
7 Jan 25 * Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along14-hh
7 Jan22:32 +* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along12Farley Flud
8 Jan03:43 i+* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along10-hh
8 Jan11:49 ii`* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along9Lester Thorpe
8 Jan15:20 ii +* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along6-hh
8 Jan16:18 ii i`* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along5Farley Flud
8 Jan18:07 ii i `* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along4rbowman
8 Jan18:56 ii i  +- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1Chris Ahlstrom
8 Jan21:44 ii i  +- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1Nick Charles
9 Jan09:37 ii i  `- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1RonB
8 Jan20:55 ii `* Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along2Physfitfreak
8 Jan21:19 ii  `- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1-hh
8 Jan18:17 i`- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1DFS
8 Jan15:27 `- Re: A New Machine Steadily Rolls Along1-hh

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