Re: We got 2" of snow... Apelanta and surrounding is officially shut down for days

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Sujet : Re: We got 2" of snow... Apelanta and surrounding is officially shut down for days
De : bowman (at) *nospam* (rbowman)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 10. Jan 2025, 21:09:14
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On Fri, 10 Jan 2025 12:37:56 -0500, Joel wrote:

My family has treated me to some good food the last few days.  Can't go
anywhere on my own, at least till my boots are delivered, no way I'm
venturing out in my house shoes.

If there's a lot of ice on the sidewalks get Yaktrax or one of the other
traction devices that fit on your boots or shoes. And wear them. I have a
selection but fell on the ice and broke a hip because I was only walking
to the grocery store and didn't put them on.

Heal fast and keep up any suggested therapy.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 Jan16:31 * We got 2" of snow... Apelanta and surrounding is officially shut down for days5DFS
10 Jan18:23 +* Re: We got 2" of snow... Apelanta and surrounding is officially shut down for days3DFS
10 Jan21:09 i+- Re: We got 2" of snow... Apelanta and surrounding is officially shut down for days1rbowman
11 Jan02:01 i`- Re: We got 2" of snow... Apelanta and surrounding is officially shut down for days1DFS
11 Jan01:54 `- Re: We got 2" of snow... Apelanta and surrounding is officially shut down for days1DFS

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