Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...

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Sujet : Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...
De : ronb02NOSPAM (at) *nospam* (RonB)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 11. Jan 2025, 10:22:56
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <vltd9g$hnde$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
User-Agent : slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
On 2025-01-10, CrudeSausage <> wrote:
On 2025-01-10 08:02, chrisv wrote:
pothead wrote:
Queers for Palestine.
Trannys for Gaza.
Are these people idiots?
They wouldn't last 10 minutes in Gaza before they are castrated and tossed off the highest rooftop.
Despite what the LBGTQ+ community wants you to believe, they are a minuscule portion
of the population but they are very loud vocally.
Well, fully half of the population (females) are suppressed by the
Muslims.  Yet leftists here support them over the *far* more
enlightened Israelis.  Incredible.
The funny part is that the leftists believe they can make allies of
Muslims by convincing them that they are being "oppressed" by the White
man. Muslims have already spent most of their history oppressing the
world all the while complaining that they are being oppressed. As such,
both parties are seeing the other as being a pack of useful idiots.
Leftists are so dumb that they believe that Muslims will conveniently
ignore the fact that everything they are pushing is contrary to Islamic
law like homosexuality, free sex, an empowered woman and a secular
society. Even if these hippies were to become the authority (with the
assumed help of the Muslims), Muslims would either be a constant threat
to their power or would hang every last one of them. Unlike what
happened during Soviet times though, whichever "progressives" aren't
already lying in a pool of their own blood or hanging would be calling
anyone who fears that they are going to be the next to be raped or
killed an islamophobe.

The "enemy of my enemy" is not always my friend. Sometimes there is no good
side. But if I had to pick one over the other, bombing and starving children
(as the Israelis are doing) makes them the more detestable of the two sides.

At one point there was a large Christian population in Palestine. The
Muslims aren't the only ones oppressed by the Israeli terrorists.

“Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy
what has been invented or made by the forces of good.”  —J.R.R. Tolkien

Date Sujet#  Auteur
31 Dec 24 * Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...44DFS
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31 Dec 24 +- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1RonB
31 Dec 24 `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...41DFS
1 Jan 25  +- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1rbowman
1 Jan 25  `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...39Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2 Jan 25   `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...38DFS
3 Jan 25    `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...37RonB
3 Jan 25     `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...36rbowman
4 Jan 25      +* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...9Physfitfreak
4 Jan 25      i`* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...8DFS
5 Jan 25      i `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...7DFS
6 Jan 25      i  +* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...4DFS
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6 Jan 25      i  +- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1Jack Sovalot
7 Jan 25      i  `- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1-hh
4 Jan 25      +- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1RonB
4 Jan 25      +- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1RonB
4 Jan 25      +* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...23RonB
4 Jan 25      i+* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...2vallor
7 Jan 25      ii`- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1-hh
5 Jan 25      i`* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...20RonB
5 Jan 25      i +* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...2rbowman
5 Jan 25      i i`- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1Physfitfreak
6 Jan 25      i `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...17RonB
6 Jan 25      i  `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...16rbowman
7 Jan 25      i   `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...15RonB
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11 Jan10:19      i    i +- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1RonB
11 Jan10:22      i    i `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...10RonB
11 Jan21:25      i    i  +- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1rbowman
12 Jan09:18      i    i  +* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...4RonB
13 Jan13:25      i    i  i`* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...3RonB
14 Jan12:00      i    i  i `* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...2RonB
14 Jan12:06      i    i  i  `- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1RonB
12 Jan09:21      i    i  +* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...3RonB
13 Jan13:29      i    i  i`* Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...2RonB
14 Jan12:01      i    i  i `- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1RonB
12 Jan09:22      i    i  `- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1RonB
8 Jan09:42      i    `- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1RonB
4 Jan 25      `- Re: How quickly a bug gets fixed...1rbowman

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