Feast thine bloodshot, jaundiced eyeballs on my fantastic Linux
Every REAL MAN needs his lair and here is mine.
Note: These images were captured with a 60 mm Nikon macro
lens and there is some depth of field problems. But otherwise
behold the splendor and eat your hearts out.
For the competent, check out:
For the lackeys, here is the temporary location:
My main Xeon machine powered up. Note the cooling fan on the left
blowing large volumes of air across the entire set up. On the right
are the 2 spinning rust HDDs. No junk SSDs on my machine.
Underneath one can detect my Microslop Winblows machine. It is located
on the bottom tier because that's where it fucking belongs.
On the extreme left and out of focus is my new Xeon machine, still
Here is the total view of the Microslop Winblows machine. It is seldom
powered up -- for damned good reason.
Here is a bit of a close up of my main Xeon machine. The Nvidia
TU116 vid card is seen as well as the SoundBlaster RX sound card.
I have to lace down the sound card because there is no box.
Here is the 2K monitor and keyboard for my main Xeon. Also seen are
my fantastic Bose speakers.
Out of sight on the right is another monitor and keyboard. I can operate
two machines at once if I need to.
Here is my DIY microphone and power supply. The depth of field is
rather poor but the mic is the metal can at the right end of the
This DIY mic beats the fuck out of any commercial equivalent but,
unfortunately, the room acoustics are somewhat poor.
What you have witnessed if essentially a GNU/Linux workstation
powerhouse, running Gentoo, that can whip the ass of any other
-- Gentoo: The Fastest GNU/Linux Hands Down