Re: Python meanderings

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Sujet : Re: Python meanderings
De : not (at) *nospam* (Computer Nerd Kev)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy comp.os.linux.misc
Date : 13. Jan 2025, 22:09:14
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Organisation : Ausics -
Message-ID : <>
References : 1
User-Agent : tin/2.0.1-20111224 ("Achenvoir") (UNIX) (Linux/2.4.31 (i586))
In comp.os.linux.misc Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
Downloaded, built, and installed the Python app "agordejo". It does not run on
this Debian system. "This application failed to start because no Qt platform
plugin could be initialized." Haven't figured that out.
So there's another Python-based session manager, RaySession, which is part of
the Debian repo. I install that and run it, and I get a traceback about 15
levels deep. "No module named cgitb".
   This module is no longer part of the Python standard library. It was
   removed in Python 3.13 after being deprecated in Python 3.11. The removal
   was decided in PEP 594.
   A fork of the module on PyPI can now be used instead: legacy-cgi. This is a
   copy of the cgi module, no longer maintained or supported by the core
   Python team.
   The last version of Python that provided the cgitb module was Python 3.12.
Installing legacy-cgi from the link didn't work (wants a virtual setup).
But python3-legacy-cgi in the repo works, and I can now run RaySession.

If I'm looking for a program and find a Python script that does
exactly what I want, I keep looking. Too much time wasted trying to
make them run for me, or wasted later when they break compatibility
in a newer Python release.

But I have assumed that Python scripts with Debian (stable)
packages are safe because it's someone else's problem to deal with
making them run with the Python that's pacakged there. But you say
that RaySession came from "the Debian repo" so I guess that
package's maintainer couldn't even get it right. Maybe I should be
even more strict with exterminating these pesky snakes?

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Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 Jan17:27 * Python meanderings11Chris Ahlstrom
13 Jan20:58 +- Re: Python meanderings1rbowman
13 Jan22:09 +- Re: Python meanderings1Computer Nerd Kev
13 Jan23:03 `* Re: Python meanderings8Farley Flud
14 Jan00:53  +- Re: Python meanderings1vallor
14 Jan02:55  +* Re: Python
14 Jan05:16  i`* Re: Python meanderings3rbowman
14 Jan11:56  i `* Re: Python meanderings2Farley Flud
14 Jan16:05  i  `- Re: Python meanderings1The Natural Philosopher
14 Jan04:54  `* Re: Python meanderings2DFS
14 Jan06:01   `- Re: Python meanderings1Nick Charles

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