Python GUI Garbage Lunacy

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Sujet : Python GUI Garbage Lunacy
De : fsquared (at) *nospam* fsquared.linux (Farley Flud)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 14. Jan 2025, 14:06:11
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Organisation : UsenetExpress -
Message-ID : <181a90f112635fc7$1037$1825$>
User-Agent : Pan/0.146 (Hic habitat felicitas; d7a48b4
This boy always knows of what he speaks.  Avoid Python GUI like you would
avoid the plague.

I was interested in a program known as SnapPea, which is silly name
for sofware that allows visualizing 3-space manifolds.  Unfortunately,
although the core is written in C, the only interface that allows
execution on GNU/Linux is written in that abomination known as Python.

Academics can't program and thus they must program in Python.  Just look
at the garbage result:

SnapPy (ooh, clever) relies upon rather standard external libraries but
each fucking one requires a special Python connection interface.  The
whole thing becomes a friggin' mess fast.

If C had been used throughout it would be simple and straightforward.
Just directly link to the external libraries.  No muss.  No fuss.

But the generic Unix procedure, which would definitely be required
due to the untrustworthiness of the pre-built sources, would consume
hours and hours of work.

If only these idiots would just learn how to fucking program, then
the world could be rid of this Python nonsense.

Now cue the Python defenders to emerge from the woodwork like the
useless cockroaches that they are.

I already have a response: build the generic Unix version and
show it in action on a GNU/Linux system.  Do it or shut the
fuck up.

Hail Linux!  Hail FOSS!  Hail Stallman!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Jan14:06 * Python GUI Garbage Lunacy2Farley Flud
14 Jan15:59 `- Re: Feeb Garbage Lunacy1DFS

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