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Alan <> wrote:How is the Finder's GUI so materially different from MS-Windows's?
Well, boot Win11 24H2 on a nice 13th gen i7, and you have a great>>>>It matters that Apple is secondary in the industry.>
So it's about bragging rights again.
"Bragging rights" that engender superior products, namely Winblows
over macOS.
You laugh but it's self-evident. As ridiculous as Wintendo OS is, it
does an amazing job of being what it is. High-end PCs can benefit
from M$'s tinkering.
Give an example.
experience. That's what Microsoft supports. Linux is the solution
for others, but they often overlook it.
Nothing.>>>>They depend on>
Microsoft and Adobe to develop applications.
Apple makes computers and other computing devices and the operating
systems for those devices along with many applications to run on them.
Microsoft is more full-service.
Again... the END USER, how does that matter?
What matters is that the END USER can find the software he or she needs
to get his or her tasks done.
And for almost every ordinary task, that software (often the exact same
software) is available for macOS.
Simple people like simple things, I suppose.
What's a complex thing that can't be done on a Mac?
I was blown away by Finder. Really amusing, how little effort Apple's>>>>I actually enjoyedAgain with the "quirky".
seeing the free trial of M$ Office for Mac. Showed it to my mom,
who's always used Office for Winblows. The Mac version of Office is
actually great software. And I imagine Adobe's stuff is pretty great
on it, and the movie editing, etc. But for a typical PC user, posting
on Usenet everyday, macOS is a quirky choice.
Yep, wear it.
Not until you define it.
It's self-evident, Apple supplies a quirky corner of the market.
That's another non-answer.
programmers put in.
You've clearly never professionally run a team: success comes from keeping one's high value workers focused on where they bring the greatest value, not being distracted by lower-valued tasks. This isn't being a "sissy", but is straightforward resource optimization by delegating the bullshit lower-value stuff to other personnel.I'm saying if they're having problems with a computer, they shouldThey just use their computers, doofus.>>I support computer users for a living, and what I can tell you is that>
while I technically have quite a few clients who use Macs, I almost
never see them anymore.
Because their Macs work that well.
Well, I support my own computer.
Bully for you.
Most people who run Windows cannot.
Where most Mac users rarely NEED support...
...because they just work.
Why don't they grow enough of a brain to teach themselves something?
They do exactly the same things most Windows users do...
...but they get it done with many fewer problems.
learn how to correct it, instead of being a sissy and getting tech
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