Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?

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Sujet : Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?
De : mike (at) *nospam* (The Last Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho rec.arts.sf.fandom
Date : 14. Apr 2024, 10:43:59
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uvg50f$3i4il$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
User-Agent : NewsTap/5.5 (iPhone/iPod Touch)
Arthur Lipscomb <> wrote:
On 4/13/2024 10:58 AM, Cryptoengineer wrote:
On 4/13/2024 1:43 PM, Dimensional Traveler wrote:
On 4/13/2024 7:38 AM, Cryptoengineer wrote:
John Hall <> wrote:
In message <uv67tu$10nsn$>, Ubiquitous
<> writes
In article <uuvpup$lgg$>,
Ubiquitous  <> wrote: wrote:
I'm not sure which one, but leaning towards the 1980's.
The JN-T years.
I had Tom Baker and Peter Davidson in mind when I chose.
Wasn't Tom Baker the 1970s?
The Best Decade was whatever decade you started watching.
Actually I would put it as "the best decade is whatever decade the
episodes you first see were produced in".
In case its not clear, I'm riffing on the old SF Fan trope
that 'The Golden Age of Science Fiction was whenever you were 13'.
Close.  7 to 10.  1984 to 1987 which produced iconic movies like Aliens,
The Fly, Ghostbusters, Beverly Hills Cop I and II, Temple of Doom, Back
to the Future, Gremlins, Karate Kid I and II, Star Trek IV, The
Neverending Story, Return to Oz, The Princess Bride, Transformers: The
Movie and so much more!  40 years later these movies are still talked
about and loved.  Being a kid in the 80s will never be touched when it
comes to the movie going experience!

My first decade for TV was the 60s - aged 4 to 8 I saw TV change from back
and white to colour and half of the TV I loved was imported - The Time
Tunnel, Land of the Giants, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Lost in Space,
Batman, Spider-Man, The Man from UNCLE (not forgetting The Girl from
UNCLE), The Addams Family, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, and of course the
wonder that was Star Trek and, not to mention, the Apollo space program
(the greatest TV of all for me in 1969).

But domestically we had The Avengers, The Champions, The Prisoner (which I
didn’t understand one little bit but still loved), Adam Adamant Lives!, The
Saint, Department S, The Owl Service. All the Gerry Anderson glory years of
puppetry - Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Joe 90, Captain Scarlet
and the Mysterons, The Secret Service. And Doctor Who.

I didn’t get to go to the cinema in the 1960s so that all passed me by.

But the 70s - the 70s (9-19) were my golden age. The UK truly shone.
Catweazle. Monty Python. Timeslip. Jason King. The Protectors. The
Persuaders. Children of the Stones. Sky. UFO. Space 1999. Doomwatch.
Survivors. The Changes. Blake’s 7. The Tomorrow People. Sapphire and Steel.
The New Avengers. And Doctor Who.

And from abroad: Alias Smith & Jones (the only Western I loved as a kid).
Search. The Invisible Man. The Gemini Man. The Six Million Dollar Man (and
the Bionic Woman). The Incredible Hulk. Battlestar Galactica. The Fantastic
Journey. Logan’s Run. Star Trek TAS.

And the movies: Dark Star. Silent Running.Assorted Planet of the Apes
films. Star Wars. Close Encounters. Alien. Star Trek the Slow Motion
Picture. Willy Wonka. Young Frankenstein. The Black Hole. Damnation Alley.
Westworld (and Futureworld). The Omega Man. The Terminal Man. Death Race
2000. I Am Legend. Sleeper. Time After Time. Superman. Soylent Green. The
Forbin Project. Mad Max. The Andromeda Strain. Rollerball. Invasion of the
Body Snatchers. Phase IV. A Clockwork Orange. The Man Who Fell to Earth.

And that’s just the ones I can remember without looking anything up online!

The 60s were wonderful: the 80s were OK: but the 70s were my decade and my
golden age of sci fi and of Doctor Who. Even though I had loved Pat
Troughton as the Doctor, he was eclipsed by Pertwee and the earlier half of
Tom Baker (for me the rot set in with Romana II. The last great Tom story
was City of Death, the rest is just a coda).

“The timelines and … canon … are rupturing” - the Doctor

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 Apr 24 * Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?24Ubiquitous
10 Apr 24 `* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?23John Hall
11 Apr 24  +- Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?1miked
11 Apr 24  +* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?6Ubiquitous
11 Apr 24  i+* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?4Cryptoengineer
11 Apr 24  ii`* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?3John Hall
13 Apr 24  ii `* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?2Arthur Lipscomb
14 Apr 24  ii  `- Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?1Your Name
11 Apr 24  i`- Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?1Ubiquitous
11 Apr 24  +- Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?1Arthur Lipscomb
13 Apr 24  `* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?14Cryptoengineer
13 Apr 24   `* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?13Dimensional Traveler
13 Apr 24    `* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?12Cryptoengineer
13 Apr 24     `* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?11Arthur Lipscomb
14 Apr 24      `* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?10The Last Doctor
14 Apr 24       +* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?8Arthur Lipscomb
15 Apr 24       i+* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?6Pluted Pup
15 Apr 24       ii+- Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?1Arthur Lipscomb
15 Apr 24       ii`* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?4Daniel70
16 Apr 24       ii +* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?2Your Name
16 Apr 24       ii i`- Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?1Arthur Lipscomb
16 Apr 24       ii `- Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?1Daniel70
15 Apr 24       i`- Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?1Cryptoengineer
14 Apr 24       `- Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?1Arthur Lipscomb

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