Re: EXCLUSIVE: Doctor Who Ratings on Disney Plus LEAKED? | My Hollywood Spy Exposes the Rumored Numbers!

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Sujet : Re: EXCLUSIVE: Doctor Who Ratings on Disney Plus LEAKED? | My Hollywood Spy Exposes the Rumored Numbers!
De : agamemnon (at) *nospam* (The True Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho can.arts.sf
Date : 21. May 2024, 14:21:11
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v2i3jo$jbh2$>
References : 1
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On 21/05/2024 09:30, Ubiquitous wrote:
Doctor Who's latest series is truly cringe, a disaster across the
board for Whovians whose hopes the series would rally have been firmly
and decisively smashed.  The ratings plunge on the BBC has been
documented previously, but today we bring you an exclusive report from
my Hollywood spies about how Doctor Who allegedly performed on Disney
Plus...and it's BAD folks!'s bad.  Bear in mind, I'm
presenting this as a rumor for reasons I make clear in the video, but
yeah...if this is true, RIP Doctor Who! #disney #doctorwho #disneyplus
That's Doomcock's video. He lost all credibility as a reliable source of information when he made all that crap up about Kathleen Kennedy being sacked and what went on inside the LucasFilm boardroom. John Campea suffered exactly the same fate airing the same rumours.
If Doomcock thinks he has reliable information then he has to state who it's from precisely.
The True Doctor
"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

Date Sujet#  Auteur
21 May 24 * EXCLUSIVE: Doctor Who Ratings on Disney Plus LEAKED? | My Hollywood Spy Exposes the Rumored Numbers!2Ubiquitous
21 May 24 `- Re: EXCLUSIVE: Doctor Who Ratings on Disney Plus LEAKED? | My Hollywood Spy Exposes the Rumored Numbers!1The True Doctor

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