Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness

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Sujet : Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness
De : never (at) *nospam* (moviePig)
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Date : 12. Mar 2024, 23:24:04
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
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On 3/12/2024 5:21 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <>,
  The Horny Goat <> wrote:
On Mon, 11 Mar 2024 14:07:00 -0700, BTR1701 <> wrote:
Kids would be trick-or-treating in daylight here regardless of time
changes, since they start at about three in the afternoon. This is due
to 'stranger danger' hysteria. And just to make sure there aren't any
parents insufficiently paranoid to keep their kids inside after dark,
the PD sends out a 'fact sheet' every year in the mail to make sure they
know the horrors that await any parent who doesn't lock their child down
indoors the moment the sun hits the waves in the west.
Hmmm. In our area 'trick or treating' time is generally 1-2 hours
after sunset and most of the younger kids have parents out on the
street on the sidewalk with the exception of the very young.
 My town is insane with the 'stranger danger' rules.
 Their ridiculous hysteria over 'stranger danger' has led to the schools
making it illegal to allow your kid to walk or bike to school. If you
live too close to the school to qualify for bus service, you're legally
required to drive your kid to school. This has led to some absurd cases
where kids have faced school punishment because their parents let them
walk to a school they literally live right next door to. The school said
the parent has to load the kid in the car, drive him 30 yards across the
street, and let him out again.
Are you saying the parent can't *walk* the kid the 30 yards?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Mar 24 * Daylight Saving Time wackiness39Adam H. Kerman
9 Mar 24 +- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1danny burstein
10 Mar 24 `* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness37super70s
10 Mar 24  +* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness12Adam H. Kerman
10 Mar 24  i`* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness11BTR1701
10 Mar 24  i `* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness10Adam H. Kerman
10 Mar 24  i  `* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness9Adam H. Kerman
10 Mar 24  i   +* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness3Adam H. Kerman
10 Mar 24  i   i`* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness2BTR1701
10 Mar 24  i   i `- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1shawn
10 Mar 24  i   +* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness4suzeeq
10 Mar 24  i   i+* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness2Adam H. Kerman
10 Mar 24  i   ii`- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1suzeeq
10 Mar 24  i   i`- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1suzeeq
11 Mar 24  i   `- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1Dimensional Traveler
10 Mar 24  `* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness24Your Name
10 Mar 24   `* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness23FPP
11 Mar 24    `* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness22super70s
11 Mar 24     +* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness5BTR1701
12 Mar 24     i+* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness2moviePig
13 Mar 24     ii`- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1BTR1701
13 Mar 24     i+- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1Adam H. Kerman
13 Mar 24     i`- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1trotsky
11 Mar 24     +- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1moviePig
12 Mar 24     +* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness3Your Name
12 Mar 24     i`* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness2super70s
12 Mar 24     i `- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1Adam H. Kerman
12 Mar 24     `* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness12FPP
12 Mar 24      +* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness6Your Name
12 Mar 24      i+* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness3moviePig
12 Mar 24      ii`* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness2Your Name
13 Mar 24      ii `- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1FPP
13 Mar 24      i`* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness2BTR1701
13 Mar 24      i `- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1Adam H. Kerman
13 Mar 24      `* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness5FPP
13 Mar 24       +* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness3Your Name
14 Mar 24       i`* Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness2FPP
14 Mar 24       i `- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1moviePig
13 Mar 24       `- Re: Daylight Saving Time wackiness1trotsky

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