Re: Steve Garvey

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Sujet : Re: Steve Garvey
De : gmsingh (at) *nospam* (trotsky)
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Date : 09. Mar 2024, 13:49:45
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <17bb1648c8030524$35$2218499$>
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On 3/8/24 6:40 PM, FPP wrote:
On 3/6/24 12:28 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <us9obt$e2bs$>,
  super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
The media is reeling that Garvey defeated Democrats Barbara Lee
and Katie Porter. We usually only get to choose between the top
two Democrats for Senate in this state. To have a Republican get such
high numbers that he makes it to the top two is really freaking
them out.
I doubt the (legitimate) media is "freaking out,"
Very little of the media is legitimate anymore. The outlet I was
watching was CBS KCAL News. And yes, they were freaking out. "How could
this be?" "I don't know what to think if California really could be
sending a Republican senator to DC. Even if he loses the general
election, this is too close for comfort."
They don't even try to hide their bias anymore. And people like you
still call them "legitimate media".
The big tragedy is Porter
Porter is a domestic abuser who shouldn't be anywhere near a bowl of
and Lee can't continue their outstanding careers in the House of
Yeah, seriously proposing a $50/hour minimum wage is such outstanding
work. An towering intellect like that will be sorely missed.
Gavin is probably kicking himself that he didn't nominate Lee to fill
Feinstein's seat when she died so that Lee would have had the incumbency
to help her win. He was *so* determined to have a black woman as a
senator, he ended up sending someone from Maryland to represent
California in the Senate. Now, no matter who wins in November, he's
getting the worst of all possible outcomes: a straight white male.
 Yeah, sure.  Another Dem winning is Newsom's worst nightmare.
Hey, if nothing else you have to like Garvey's campaign slogan: "I'm not as bad as Mike Tyson!"

Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Mar 24 * Re: Steve Garvey (was: Maddow's Pledge)5FPP
9 Mar 24 +- Re: Steve Garvey1trotsky
15 Mar 24 `* Re: Steve Garvey (was: Maddow's Pledge)3super70s
15 Mar 24  `* Re: Steve Garvey (was: Maddow's Pledge)2BTR1701
15 Mar 24   `- Re: Steve Garvey (was: Maddow's Pledge)1shawn

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