Re: Biden Botches Laken Riley's Name During SOTU Shouting Match With MTG

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Sujet : Re: Biden Botches Laken Riley's Name During SOTU Shouting Match With MTG
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
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Date : 09. Mar 2024, 23:08:48
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <usij50$2h4mb$>
References : 1 2 3 4
BTR1701 <> wrote:
suzeeq <> wrote:
On 3/9/2024 10:53 AM, BTR1701 wrote:

. . .

Again, this wouldn't even be an issue if the president would just do his
legally mandated duty and SECURE THE BORDER.

And how's he supposed to do that when the Rs in the House are not willing to work with him

In his first month in office, Biden issued 94 executive orders facilitating mass illegal alien entry into the country and prohibiting the Border Patrol from preventing any illegal from entering the U.S.
I don't necessarily disagree, but Trump abused Title 42. It was
indefensible. It had to be ended.

He could start with rescinding every one of those executive orders. He didn't need any Republican cooperation to issue those EOs in the first place and he doesn't need any Republican cooperation to rescind them now.

Second, under existing law, including the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, the president of the United States has the authority to turn every single foreign national away at the border if he determines it's necessary to safeguard the country, to include refugees. There is no requirement in law or in the Constitution that we entertain millions of fraudulent asylum claims (or even legitimate asylum claims, as rare as those may be).
Asylum creates a right in law for a foreign national to claim. I
certainly don't agree with you. Those have to be adjudicated.

There is no legal requirement that we allow a single non-citizen into this country. Period.

No new 'bipartisan bill' is required. No Republican cooperation is required. Biden could rescind those executive orders and lock the border down today if he wanted to.

He. Doesn't. Want. To.
You can make the argument that people encountering Immigration (at a
port of entry) or Border Patrol be processed with parole (except under
very limited circumstances).
I don't agree that there is a practical way to lock the border down for
those who don't encounter Border Patrol.
It's not even desireable. Border Patrol has always had a specious
mission. If they aren't committing crimes, if they are working and not
on welfare, then they are contributing to the economy and making the
nation stronger.
I've never had strong feelings about an easier path to citizenship for
immigrants. I think changing national allegiance is entirely different
than living and working here. Plenty of people come to America haven't
truly become Americans at heart.

He hasn't wanted to for the last three years. What makes you think he suddenly wants to now? He only wants to *look* like he does because this is an election year and he knows the American people-- to include a not-insignificant number of his fellow Democrats-- are *extremely* pissed about the border.

on a bill written by them and would have authorized more money for border

That money was only going to be allocated to hire more personnel to help process illegals into the country faster.
You can't have it both ways. The asylum claims -- which Trump almost
entirely refused to process -- have to be adjudicated. That requires
personnel and money. As you point out, most of them are overruled.

It was not going to fund policies, procedures, or personnel to secure
the border or to keep illegals out, and it sure as hell wouldn't have
somehow given the Border Patrol the ability to conduct background checks
on foreign nationals from uncooperative home countries.
We don't need to keep people out. It's never made economic sense. We
need to keep out the gang members and known criminals and to quickly
deport those who committed crimes here. But people who come here to
work and not be on welfare, to succeed, are good for America. The economy
is larger.
You've always gotten this wrong.

And even if he issued a presidential order, how is it going to be enforced?

It would be enforced by ICE and the Border Patrol. You know, the folks he told to stand down when he took office. He can stand them back up again. Remove them from desk duty at processing centers and put them back out patrolling the border. Have them start actually kicking people out of the country again, like they're supposed to.
I have no objection to enforcing the law as it stands, but much of the
law is bullshit.

He could also stop suing to stop every state that builds a barrier or otherwise inhibits illegal alien border crossings. If states are willing to do that out of their own funds, let them. That relieves Biden of the need to ask Congress for the money to do it.

But he again: He. Doesn't. Want. To.
I don't agree with Texas's willful violations of federalism.

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