Biden’s State Of The Union Show: Depending On Hysterical Nonsense

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De : weberm (at) *nospam* (Ubiquitous)
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Date : 12. Mar 2024, 10:30:33
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Thursday night was Joe Biden�s big State of the Union address. The stakes
were high because this is a very closely fought election.

The president of the United States is ailing. He has been trailing in the
polls to Donald Trump, his arch-nemesis. But all he really had to do was be
alive and be normal.

He did the first thing, but he couldn�t do the second thing � at all. One
wonders what exactly his team thought they were doing when they wrote his
State of the Union address, which was extraordinarily divisive, polarizing,
and quite nasty. Did they think the only way to make him energetic enough for
the speech was to ramp him up so high that they could not ramp him back down?

Whatever cocktail they used to awaken him, it was too much.

The address was a disaster in the making, although Democrats are now
pretending they loved it. But they were always going to pretend they loved
it. Members of the media were always going to use words like �feisty,�
�energetic,� and �combative�; that was a foregone conclusion.

But � if you were the median voter, the person who�s deciding between Joe
Biden and Donald Trump and you watched Biden last night, did that make you
think "our country is in the best of hands"? Or did it make you think, "Angry
old man screams at clouds, thinks many, many Americans are terrible people,
and also has his priorities totally screwed up".

There are a lot of independents who are going to look at what Biden said and
how he acted last night and say to themselves that if the Democrats were
trying to offer a contrast between �crazy Trump� and �solid, stolid Joe,�
they missed politically.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show
Even before the address, a number of pro-Hamas crazies who were sitting out
in the middle of the street blocked Biden�s motorcade. He has been catering
to these people. He�s been suggesting the real problem is that they�re just
too passionate. It�s not that they�re wrong and actively siding with the
worst terror group in the region; rather, it is that they just believe too
hard. They just want too much. So last night, he allowed his motorcade to be
blocked for legitimately dozens of minutes on the most watched night of the
presidential year by a bunch of nutjobs who were sitting in the middle of the
street on behalf of terrorists who mass rape and murder people.

That was just the lead-up.

The trajectory of Biden�s speech was angry, energetic, coherent at the very
beginning � very angry, very over-the-top, insulting � but coherent. Next, it
went to angry incoherence, loud incoherence. Then, it went to whispering
incoherence because he lost energy. The drugs started to wear off about 40
minutes into his address.

Normally, the president of the United States opens with some sort of broad
peroration, such as, �The state of our union is strong.� They talk about the
glories and wonders of America, and then they say the state of our union is
wrong. That�s the formula.

I�ve never heard a president begin an address with, �The state of our union
just sucks right now. I�ve got to tell you; it just blows, man.�

But Biden immediately launched into a harangue against Republicans about
Ukraine. According to him, he is the halcyon apex of democracy, democracy
embodied, and all of his opponents are fascists who side with Putin.

He compared himself to Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber
to speak to the nation. He said, �I address you in a moment,
unprecedented in the history of the union.�

Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe. President
Roosevelt�s purpose was to wake up Congress and alert the American
people that this was no ordinary moment. Freedom and democracy were
under assault in the world.

Tonight I come to the same chamber to address the nation. Now it is
we who face an unprecedented moment in the history of the Union. And
yes, my purpose tonight is to wake up this Congress, and alert the
American people that this is no ordinary moment either. Not since
President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been
under assault at home as they are today.

So his excuse for being a terrible president is that he is facing the two
most historic crises of the last two centuries in American life: World War II
and the Civil War.

Now, let�s just be clear about where we are in American life right now. We
are _not_ killing each other by hundreds of thousands, which is what actually
happened during the Civil War. We are _not_ holding hundreds of thousands of
people in abject servitude and bondage. We are _not_ fighting a globalized
world war against the Nazis, the Japanese, and their allies. That�s not
happening right now.

It says something about his governance because we are living in a time where
zero American troops are currently overly committed abroad in a war. Biden
claimed there is a war on democracy for one reason: so he can get to what he
says is an assault on democracy at home, which is about Donald Trump.

He started off with this long thing about Ukraine and Russia and I think most
Americans were sitting home and thinking, We�ve got some problems at home.
Why don�t we start with the border? Why don�t we start with inflation?

But he led with Ukraine because what he was attempting to do was label
everyone who disagreed with him as being in league with and akin to Putin in
terms of trying to overthrow democracy here at home.

He stated:

My message to President Putin is simple. We will not walk away. We
will not bow down. I will not bow down. History is watching. History
is watching, just like history watched three years ago on January
6th. Insurrectionists stormed this very Capitol and placed a dagger
to the throat of American democracy. �

But we must be honest the threat remains and democracy must be
defended. My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth
about January 6th. I will not do that. This is a moment to speak the
truth and bury the lies. And here�s the simple truth. You can�t love
your country only when you win.

What he was doing was disgusting.

Comparing January 6 to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is insulting to
Ukrainians because hundreds of thousands of people have been killed and
wounded in Ukraine. On January 6, one person, Ashli Babbitt, was tragically
killed. January 6 was a small riot.

But Biden has to blow it up into something bigger than that. He has to say
January 6 is emblematic of a threat to democracy akin to Vladimir Putin
invading Ukraine and overthrowing the Republic.

I thought January 6 was terrible � but there�s one thing I know with
certainty about that day: It was not a dagger at the throat of democracy. No
one in their right mind thought that democracy in the United States was about
to be overthrown on January 6.

We all watched the television and said, �That�s ugly and that�s bad, and some
people were committing criminal acts to be arrested.� That�s what rational
people thought. Only hysterics looked at that and said, �My God, Donald Trump
is going to enshrine himself and his praetorian guard in the White House.
He�s going to overthrow democracy, march himself down in a purple robe into
the Senate chamber, and call for the execution of his political enemies.�

No one thought that was happening. It�s a stupid idea. Within two hours, the
entire place was cleared and the Republican vice president was certifying the
election, along with the Republican majority leader.

But Biden�s reelection depends on exactly that kind of hysterical nonsense.
It depends on you � the moderate, the independent � believing the threat is
that if Trump becomes president, democracy ends tomorrow in the same way that
Vladimir Putin is an autocrat.

Donald Trump is an autocrat: That�s the argument Joe Biden was making last

His routine is so tiresome.

Let's go Brandon!

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12 Mar 24 o Biden’s State Of The Union Show: Depending On Hysterical Nonsense1Ubiquitous

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