"Pathetic": Laken Rilex’s Mom Blasts Biden For Not Even Getting Her Daughter's Name Right on SotU Show

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Sujet : "Pathetic": Laken Rilex’s Mom Blasts Biden For Not Even Getting Her Daughter's Name Right on SotU Show
De : weberm (at) *nospam* polaris.net (Ubiquitous)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv alt.flame
Date : 12. Mar 2024, 10:30:41
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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The mother of Laken Riley � the 22-year-old Georgia nursing student who was
brutally murdered allegedly by an illegal immigrant while she was out for a
run last month � slammed President Joe Biden this week for botching her
daughter�s name during his State of the Union speech.

�I�d, be, a winner �, not really,� Biden said at the start of the awkward
moment during his Thursday night speech.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) shouted at Biden to say Laken Riley�s name
after she was allegedly murdered by a Venezuelan national who is an �active�
gang member.

�Lincoln Riley!� Biden said. �An innocent young woman who was killed by an
illegal. That�s right. But how many of the thousands of people being killed
by illegals? To her parents, I say, my heart goes out to you having lost
children myself. I understand.�

Following Biden�s remarks, Laken�s mother, Allyson Phillips, posted on social
media: �Biden does not even KNOW my child�s name � it�s pathetic! If you are
going to say her name (even when forced to do so) at least say the right

Biden was accused of trying to minimize Laken Riley�s death by once again
mentioning the death of his own son, Beau Biden, something that he often does
when he is facing criticism over his policies and actions leading to
disastrous outcomes, such as the 13 U.S. service members being killed during
his withdrawal of military forces from Afghanistan.

Former President Donald Trump addressed Laken Riley�s death last month when
he visited the southern border in Texas with Governor Greg Abbott.

�The parents are devastated, and they�re incredible people,� Trump said.
�This is a Joe Biden invasion. A Biden invasion. I call him crooked Joe� the
most incompetent president we�ve ever had.�

�A beautiful 22-year-old nursing student from Georgia was barbarically
attacked,� Trump continued. �She was on a morning run� she was a beautiful
young woman. I spoke to her parents yesterday. They are incredible people.
They are devastated beyond belief. She was so beautiful in so many ways.�

Let's go Brandon!

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12 Mar 24 * "Pathetic": Laken Rilex’s Mom Blasts Biden For Not Even Getting Her Daughter's Name Right on SotU Show2Ubiquitous
13 Mar 24 `- Re: "Pathetic": Laken Rilex's Mom Blasts Biden For Not Even Getting Her Daughter's Name Right on SotU Show1Ubiquitous

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