Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-11 (Monday)

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Sujet : Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-11 (Monday)
De : arthur (at) *nospam* (Arthur Lipscomb)
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Date : 12. Mar 2024, 16:04:34
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 3/12/2024 5:53 AM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
On 3/12/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
What did you watch?
 Just Tues. ep's of soaps, but nothing is resolved:
 DOOL - They finally find Tripp and Wendy, but they aren't breathing (right now). I guess Paulina is going to live, as she's been "blessed" by Lexi's ghost (though the Lexi actress still will not set foot on set - she must be totally done with acting!! - I'm not even sure she's going the V.O. here!). No Clyde or cute but EVOL!!1! copette at all.
 GH - Jason gives Jagger, Anna and the cops the slip by jumping in the river (but didn't die doing so!). Nothing else important happened.
I watched:
The Bad Seed (Lifetime) 2018 movie directed by Rob Lowe who also stars as the parent of a 9-year-old psycho daughter (Mckenna Grace who plays "Phoebe Spengler" in the Ghostbusters sequels).  But in a twist I didn't see coming the dad hires a nanny to look after her and it turns out the nanny is a psycho too!  The nanny happily eggs on the budding psycho and gives her tips on how to get away with her crimes while threatening her if she doesn't stay out of her way.  The nanny wants to marry Lowe, but the bad seed doesn't like that.  It then became a battle of the two psychos.  I went in with low expectations but once the babysitter turned out to be a psycho too it got pretty good.  This was way better than it had any right to be.
The Bad Seed Returns (Lifetime) 2022 sequel with Mckenna Grace returning as the now teenage Bad Seed.  They explicitly said she was 9 in the last movie making the timeline for this one not make any sense.  But whatever.  Being the last one standing from the previous movie she's back and badder than ever with no one left alive who knows she's evil or get in her way.  This one wasn't as good as the first one.  The first one really benefited by having a second psycho to help chew the scenery.   This time around being the sole psycho in the movie, it also took way too long for her to start killing people.  The way she racked up a body count at age 9 it felt odd that she would suddenly stop for several years then just start up again.  It was like she knew she had the writers on her side to keep her safe and everyone else doing stupid things.  I also had a strong sense of rewrites or maybe deleted scenes where they would seem to set things up with no pay off.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Mar 24 * What Did You Watch? 2024-03-11 (Monday)6Ubiquitous
12 Mar 24 `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-11 (Monday)5Ian J. Ball
12 Mar 24  +- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-11 (Monday)1Arthur Lipscomb
12 Mar 24  `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-11 (Monday)3Dimensional Traveler
12 Mar 24   `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-11 (Monday)2Adam H. Kerman
13 Mar 24    `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-11 (Monday)1Arthur Lipscomb

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