Re: The Oscars: Why Hollywood Remains A Dangerous Place For The Creation Of Culture - The real lack of morality at the Oscars arose because Hollywood has decided to root for Hamas.

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Sujet : Re: The Oscars: Why Hollywood Remains A Dangerous Place For The Creation Of Culture - The real lack of morality at the Oscars arose because Hollywood has decided to root for Hamas.
De : super70s (at) *nospam* super70s.invalid (super70s)
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Date : 13. Mar 2024, 01:48:23
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <usqpk7$ij03$>
References : 1
User-Agent : Unison/2.2
On 2024-03-12 08:30:52 +0000, Ubiquitous said:

My second main concern was seeing the film “Barbie” fail. I got my
wish. It did not do well. It won one award, Best Original Song, which
is the only Oscar that “Barbie” should have been up for in the first
Looks like the author of this uncredited article is none other than Ben Shapiro at
Barbie is hardly a failure, it's the highest grossing film of 2023 and the highest grossing film in Warner Bros.' 100 year history, earning over $1.4 billion worldwide. It was directed by a female and its storyline isn't conservatively correct, which is probably why Shapiro is grunting about it.

Here'’s the way Hollywood thinks of itself: If everyone would think like
Hollywood does, they, too, would have massively dysfunctional
marriages, drug problems, and screwed-up children. Then everything
would be better.
I daresay Hollywood has bigger share of dysfunctional marriages, drug problems, and screwed up children than your typical Trump-voting red state.

Jimmy Kimmel should never host the Oscars again. He is not good at
hosting the Oscars because he’'s an unpleasant human being.
If unpleasant human beings are off limits to the right they have a funny way of showing it in their presidential nominees.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 Mar 24 * Re: The Oscars: Why Hollywood Remains A Dangerous Place For The Creation Of Culture - The real lack of morality at the Oscars arose because Hollywood has decided to root for Hamas.2super70s
14 Mar 24 `- Re: The Oscars: Why Hollywood Remains A Dangerous Place For The Creation Of Culture - The real lack of morality at the Oscars arose because Hollywood has decided to root for Hamas.1FPP

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