Post-State Of The Union Show Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden

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Sujet : Post-State Of The Union Show Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden
De : weberm (at) *nospam* (Ubiquitous)
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Date : 15. Mar 2024, 10:30:42
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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A poll taken in the days following President Joe Biden�s State of the Union
address shows that former President Donald Trump leads the incumbent in the
2024 race for the White House.

The survey of registered voters, released on Tuesday and conducted by HarrisX
from March 8th to the 10th, found that Trump leads Biden by a four-point
margin, with 45% of respondents indicating they plan to vote for Trump, while
41% expect to back Biden. Meanwhile, another 13% said they were undecided.

The poll also found that only 37% of respondents approve of Biden�s
presidency, with 58% saying they disapprove. The figures closely match up
with an aggregation of multiple polls, finding that, as of March 13th, 38% of
respondents approve of Biden�s presidency, with 56% disapproving. The
findings come as both Biden and Trump have secured enough delegates to lock
in their positions as the Democrat and Republican Party nominees.

Meanwhile, the HarrisX poll also found that Trump continues to lead Biden
among registered voters when additional independent and third-party
presidential candidates, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and
Jill Stein, were also provided as options. Trump�s lead grew slightly,
garnering support from 41% of registered voters compared to Biden�s 35%.

The poll found even more unfavorable results for the 81-year-old Biden, with
57% of respondents saying that his State of the Union address raised
�questions or concerns about his age� and 54% saying that it brought about
�questions or concerns about his fitness for office.� Another 59% of
respondents said that his speech further divided the country, with just 41%
saying that it would help unify Americans.

An overwhelming number of respondents, 61%, said that Biden�s speech did not
do enough to address immigration, while just 39% said that it did. The speech
came in the wake of the murder of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old woman attending
Augusta University in Georgia, who police say was killed by an illegal
immigrant from Venezuela while jogging.

Biden only addressed the killing after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
shouted her name during his address, to which the Democratic president
responded by botching the victim�s name and saying she was killed by �an
illegal.� Biden later said he regretted his word choice, adding that illegal
immigrants �built this country.�

The controversy, and the response to it from registered voters, comes as the
United States grapples with an unprecedented surge of illegal migrants at the
southern border, with officials recording about 9 million nationwide
encounters and 1.7 million estimated gotaways since Biden took office.

The HarrisX poll has a margin of error of 2.2% and a sample size of 2,017
registered voters. The results are weighted by demographic groups to align
proportionally with the population.

Let's go Brandon!

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15 Mar 24 o Post-State Of The Union Show Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden1Ubiquitous

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