Re: The 14th Amendment is Dead... Alll Hail the 14.5 Amendment!

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Sujet : Re: The 14th Amendment is Dead... Alll Hail the 14.5 Amendment!
De : never (at) *nospam* (moviePig)
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Date : 15. Mar 2024, 19:38:06
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
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On 3/14/2024 9:13 PM, The Horny Goat wrote:
On Tue, 12 Mar 2024 22:46:19 -0400, moviePig <>
Because treating people of two different races differently in the same
situation is the definition of racism.
No it isn't, not even practically, no more than gendering bathrooms is
sexism.  Behaving negatively towards a particular race is racism.
Yes it is - "separate but equal" was defined as racism decades ago. At
least in your country if not mine. (Though Canada does follow US usage
on this point) Nor is it true that ONLY white people can be racist -
racism exists in all ethnic groups and colors and nobody gets a 'free
 And allowing one man into a "womens' space" like a restroom removes
its status as a safe place for women which is why the whole 'gender
identity' debate is so important.
 I went into womens' dressing rooms all the time in high school - but
it was NEVER at a time when women were expected to be using the
dressing room. (No big deal - in high school sports both dressing
rooms were used - the home team got the mens' change room, the
visitors got the womens') Nor would any varsity basketball player
dream of entering a womens' change room under any other circumstances
- for instance we never would have gone in during regular school hours
as it was a 'safe place' then.
 With respect to 'safe places' (usually restrooms or change rooms)
there is clearly a clash between womens' rights and gender identity
and in cases where a choice has to be made I'll stand by the women
every time. Because believe it or not most men DO care about the
safety of their wives and daughters.
'Separate but equal' was a lie, in that 'separate' meant 'not entitled to associate with whites' -- a clearly negative treatment.  It resembled laws against 'miscegenation'.  Moreover, of course, no one in his right mind ever believed the 'equal' promise.
As for gendered bathrooms, I suspect they're no more than a statistical blip regarding women's physical safety.  The real issue there is mere social propriety ...even if it's of trauma-level concern to many/most.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Mar 24 * Re: The 14th Amendment is Dead... Alll Hail the 14.5 Amendment!3moviePig
13 Mar 24 `* Re: The 14th Amendment is Dead... Alll Hail the 14.5 Amendment!2moviePig
15 Mar 24  `- Re: The 14th Amendment is Dead... Alll Hail the 14.5 Amendment!1moviePig

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