Re: TV news for March 9-16, 2024

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Sujet : Re: TV news for March 9-16, 2024
De : suzee (at) *nospam* (suzeeq)
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Date : 17. Mar 2024, 02:07:07
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 3/16/2024 4:46 PM, Adam H. Kerman wrote:
shawn <> wrote:
Sat, 16 Mar 2024 17:50:57 -0400, Robin Miller <robin.miller@invalid.invalid>:
Detective Drama Grace In The Works At CBS From DeVon Franklin As
Producer Reups Overall Deal With CBS Studios  (March 15)
["Grace follows a true-blue detective known for his brash, cynical style
and a passionate, community-focused pastor who wears her heart on her
sleeve reluctantly partner to solve complex crimes as they debate their
divergent beliefs while attempting to ignore their growing chemistry."]
Why is a pastor going to be involved in solving crimes? I could see it
if the crime involved a member of her church but beyond that?
 It takes a social worker to solve crime, shawn. Police are ill equipped.
 Also, the detective is haunted HAUNTED by a tragedy in his past, or she
is, or both.
If it's based on the Inspector Grace books, which the UK series is, his wife mysteriously disappeared a few years before. However, that isn't this show. If you have the chance to see the British Grace on PBS or somewhere, do so, it's pretty good.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
16 Mar 24 * TV news for March 9-16, 202413Robin Miller
17 Mar 24 +* Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20242Adam H. Kerman
17 Mar 24 i`- Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20241Dimensional Traveler
17 Mar 24 +* Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20242Ian J. Ball
17 Mar 24 i`- Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20241BTR1701
17 Mar 24 +* Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20246shawn
17 Mar 24 i`* Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20245Adam H. Kerman
17 Mar 24 i +* Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20242suzeeq
17 Mar 24 i i`- Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20241Adam H. Kerman
17 Mar 24 i `* Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20242shawn
17 Mar 24 i  `- Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20241Adam H. Kerman
17 Mar 24 `* Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20242BTR1701
17 Mar 24  `- Re: TV news for March 9-16, 20241moviePig

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