Re: Cal State Professor: It's Racist to be a Taylor Swift Fan

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Sujet : Re: Cal State Professor: It's Racist to be a Taylor Swift Fan
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
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Date : 20. Mar 2024, 01:14:40
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Tue, 19 Mar 2024 19:40:52 +0000
BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:

..oh, and the Chiefs' Super Bowl win is a "white supremacist
Who isn't sick of these people at this point?
This is the sort of sick asshole that makes a six-figure salary paid
for by your tax dollars.
I see she also is one of those that perpetuates the out-and-out lie
that police evolved from slave catchers and that there was no law
enforcement before slavery. This is factually and utterly untrue, but
this is what she teaches students at Cal State with our tax money.
A California professor, who is no stranger to controversial opinions,
speculated that it might be racist to be a Taylor Swift fan.
"Why do I feel like it's slightly racist to be a Taylor Swift fan?"
Melina Abdullah posted to X.
I posted here several weeks ago about a university in the Philippines
that was offering a course in Taylor Swift. (As I recall, it was just a
single elective but if it becomes popular maybe it will be possible to
get a degree in Taylor Swift.)

I guess the folks in the Philippines are really racist then, right,
even if they are not "white" by the normal definition.

Abdullah, a professor of Pan-African Studies at Cal State University
Los Angeles, is a self-described "#BlackLivesMatter organizer,
Pan-Africanist, Hip Hop scholar, daughter of God, womanist,
truth-teller, mama," according to her post on X. She is also listed
as a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter's Los Angeles chapter and
co-director of the activist wing of the advocacy organization, Black
Lives Matter Grassroots.
I have no idea what a "womanist" is supposed to be, do or think so I'll
grant her that until I hear a definition. But calling her a
"truth-teller" is nonsense: the correct term (which I just made up) is
a "feelings-teller" because that's what she does, tells others about
her feelings. Truth has nothing to do with it. As for being a Hip Hop
scholar, that is about as impressive as being a Fecal scholar, except
not as useful because doctors sometimes get important health
information from feces. Expertise in Hip Hop is about as useless as
anyone can imagine.

When one user asked her to elaborate on her opinion she replied: "I
said FEEL, not think. Kind of like that feeling I get when there are
too many American flags." In the same post someone commented that
"Literally everything is racist." Abdullah responded "Indeed!"
A few hours later, she followed up in another post on X after the
Kansas City Chiefs had won the game: "Why do I feel like this was
some right-wing, white-supremacist conspiracy?!?! Booooooo!!!!
"Folks think they're attacking me by asking why I think everything is
racist... I'm not offended. Virtually everything is racist," she
wrote in another post addressing the attention she received from her
previous posts.
She has previously shared controversial opinions on Twitter. In 2022,
she told white people they weren't welcome to Juneteenth celebrations.
"Attention white people... Please don't ask if you can come to the
cookout... #Juneteenth is freedom day for Black folks," she posted to
Twitter in June 2022. "It should be #Reparations day for white folks."
In December 2021, two days before Jussie Smollet was found guilty of
staging a fake hate crime, she argued for his innocence.
"In our commitment to abolition, we can never believe police,
especially the Chicago Police Department (CPD) over Jussie Smollett,
a black man who has been courageously present, visible, and vocal in
the struggle for black freedom. While policing at-large is an
irredeemable institution, CPD is notorious for its long and deep
history of corruption, racism, and brutality," she wrote in a
statement on the Black Lives Matter website.
In 2017, at a conference on intersectionality and discrimination,
Abdullah said today's police officers are the "slave catchers" of
yesteryear: "You literally have a target on your back. That is what
policing was founded on and that is what it evolved out of,"
according to reporting by The College Fix.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
20 Mar 24 o Re: Cal State Professor: It's Racist to be a Taylor Swift Fan1Rhino

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