Re: Mail-In Voting

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Sujet : Re: Mail-In Voting
De : fredp1571 (at) *nospam* (FPP)
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Date : 01. Apr 2024, 23:29:04
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Organisation : Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/1/24 3:50 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <uueg28$2hiti$>, FPP <>
On 3/31/24 3:58 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <uubohs$1qc9d$>, FPP <>
On 3/30/24 4:00 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <uu9fbs$13o15$>, FPP <>
On 3/29/24 5:43 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <>,
     shawn <> wrote:
Funny how when we find actual voter fraud it's often the Republicans
that are involved. Not that it matters enough for anyone to truly
care about since the numbers are in the tens of cases in the last few
decades amounting to just a few votes. No major voter fraud has been
found to have actually occurred in the USA in our lifetimes.
You've got to be kidding. The basic reason Joe Biden threw open the
southern border and left it that way for three years was nothing but a
gigantic voter fraud scheme.
The Democrats are currently running a long-term voter fraud scheme the
likes and size of which have no rival in human history.
Georgia Republican official voted illegally...NINE TIMES.
This is a fact.
Joe Biden is allowing tens of millions of illegals to flood into the
country. This is a fact.
Biden wants to add border agents...
> process illegals into the country more efficiently. Not to, you
know, patrol the border and keep people out.
beef up security...
...which he could do in one morning's work by rescinding his EOs. He
doesn't need any Republican help or cooperation. Weird that he won't do
that, huh?
beef up the legal system to handle it...
...and by 'handle it', he means more admin staff to help get the
illegals into America faster and more efficiently
And Republicans oppose it.  Why?
Because it's a shit bill that not only does nothing to secure the border
but explicitly allows up to 8000 unvetted illegals into the country
every day.
Nope. It's a Republican Wish List bill.
 It may be a Republican Wish List but it's not anywhere near the wish
list of anyone who wants actual border security.
 Republicans are shit on border security because they love illegal
immigration every bit as much as Democrats do, just for different
 So it's no surprise at all that a bill written by two parties that both
want the flow of illegals to continue is a shit bill that does nothing
for border security.
You fuckers wrote it
 I had nothing to do with it.
yourselves, and it's the strongest immigration bill and border security
bill in 50 years.
 Which ain't saying much.
Stop lying about it. We all can read it for ourselves.
 Yes, I actually did read it. And it says exactly what I said it does.
 (1) It increases funding for Border Patrol so that they can more
efficiently process illegals into the country, not keep them out.
 (2) It allows the free flow of illegals to continue until illegal
entries exceed 8000 in one week or 5000 in one day, at which point the
president may close the border. Note: "may", not "must", which means Joe
Biden can keep doing what he's been doing all along and just let them
keep coming.
 (3) Despite previous language in the bill implying it to be the case,
the bill doesn't *actually* close the border, even if this fraudulent
and arbitrary 5000-illegal threshold is reached. Per one of the bill's
co-authors, Senator Chris Murphy (D): "The bill contains a requirement
that the president funnel asylum claims to the land ports of entry when
more than 5000 people cross in a day." So the border never really
closes, the illegals are just funneled through the ports instead of
being allowed to swim across the river and walk into America everywhere.
Fox Fucking News blasted Republicans.
 So what?
Fox. Fucking. News. is calling you a liar, too.
 So what? Fox lies. You've gleefully pointed that out on many occasions.
Now you want to use them as a reliable source when it helps you get a
win on Usenet.
 Don't think I didn't notice how you suddenly stop calling them Faux News
when you do a 180 and cite them to bolster your position.
"I think these are a couple of issues that put Republicans in peril of
looking like literally a do-nothing Congress," Brit Hume told the station
 I think Brit fundamentally underestimates how many people in this
country *want* a do-nothing Congress; how many of us feel Congress is at
its best when it's in recess and how readily we'd agree to pay them all
their full salaries to never show up at all.
The three main negotiators on the Senate bill-- Republican Sen. James
Lankford of Oklahoma, Independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and
Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut-- have all pushed back on
criticism of the bill. They emphasize that it would keep more people out
instead of allowing more people to come in-- and that migrants would not be
able to apply for asylum at all if illegal border crossings reach certain
 Which contradicts the actual text of the bill they supposedly wrote.
(Which actually was written by their staffers and which they probably
haven't even actually read cover to cover, despite being its "authors".)
Lankford has repeatedly emphasized that the emergency authority "is not
designed to let 5,000 people in, it is designed to close the border and
turn 5,000 people around".
 Political double-talk. These people out-and-out lie to your face. Just
like the DHS Secretary, the White House spokeshole, and the president
himself have been blatantly lying for the last three years when they've
repeatedly stated without qualification that "the border is secure".
 It's not secure. A 3-year-old can see it's not secure. But the
Gaslighter-in-Chief thinks if they just say it enough times, we'll stop
believing our lyin' eyes and take his dementia-addled word for it.
 Here's a question: If the border is secure-- as Biden and all his people
have been insisting it is for three years-- why are they now saying it's
not secure because Republicans won't pass "the bill"? If they have
haven't been lying their asses off for three years, there should be no
need for this bill, right?
 The bill clearly states that these 'emergency' provisions don't kick in
until there have been 5000 crossings in a 24-hour period. That means
5000 illegals have already gotten in before the provision is triggered.
 And neither Fox nor any of these politicians bother to address how this
bill would actually *lessen* the already-minimal standards for allowing
illegals into the country. Right now, people applying for asylum need to
show "a significant possibility that they can establish a credible fear
of persecution on the basis of race, national origin, political beliefs,
etc." Not a high standard. It doesn't require them to provide any actual
evidence of their claims. Just say the magic words and make a claim,
which they've been coached to say and which they've rehearsed, and then
get into the country. But this border bill would lower that standard
even further, if that's possible, from a "significant" possibility of
persecution to merely a "reasonable" possibility of persecution. And
reasonable is just another way of saying 'plausible'. In other words,
it's a bar that anyone from anywhere can clear. There's no way that
anyone claiming asylum will ever get turned away if that's the standard.
 This provision is designed to hamstring the immigration judges who have
been denying 95%+ of these fraudulent immigration claims and force them
to grant almost every one of them.
After meeting with Republicans in the Capitol Monday evening, Lankford told
reporters that people understand it once he explains it, "but it's been
said wrong so many times that people immediately just go back to, 'this
lets 5,000 people in a day', which is just factually wrong
 No, those of who have actually read the text know you're lying, Jimmy.
No, dumbfuck.  Not at all.  Your buddy, Trump killed the bill that Biden needs to secure the border.
Everybody knows it.  I provided REPUBLICAN and conservative sources.
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC Bible  25B.G.
Gracie, age 6.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
28 Mar 24 * Mail-In Voting100BTR1701
28 Mar 24 +* Re: Mail-In Voting4Adam H. Kerman
28 Mar 24 i+* Re: Mail-In Voting2shawn
28 Mar 24 ii`- Re: Mail-In Voting1Your Name
28 Mar 24 i`- Re: Mail-In Voting1Ubiquitous
28 Mar 24 +- Re: Mail-In Voting1Ubiquitous
28 Mar 24 +* Re: Mail-In Voting5NoBody
28 Mar 24 i+- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
29 Mar 24 i`* Re: Mail-In Voting3NoBody
29 Mar 24 i `* Re: Mail-In Voting2trotsky
30 Mar 24 i  `- Re: Mail-In Voting1NoBody
28 Mar 24 +* Re: Mail-In Voting4FPP
29 Mar 24 i`* Re: Mail-In Voting3FPP
30 Mar 24 i `* Re: Mail-In Voting2super70s
30 Mar 24 i  `- Re: Mail-In Voting1suzeeq
28 Mar 24 +* Re: Mail-In Voting50FPP
29 Mar 24 i`* Re: Mail-In Voting49FPP
29 Mar 24 i +* Re: Mail-In Voting47shawn
29 Mar 24 i i`* Re: Mail-In Voting46BTR1701
29 Mar 24 i i +* Re: Mail-In Voting42shawn
30 Mar 24 i i i+* Re: Mail-In Voting7shawn
30 Mar 24 i i ii`* Re: Mail-In Voting6FPP
30 Mar 24 i i ii `* Re: Mail-In Voting5BTR1701
31 Mar 24 i i ii  +- Re: Mail-In Voting1trotsky
31 Mar 24 i i ii  +- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
31 Mar 24 i i ii  `* Re: Mail-In Voting2FPP
31 Mar 24 i i ii   `- Re: Mail-In Voting1trotsky
30 Mar 24 i i i+- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
30 Mar 24 i i i+* Re: Mail-In Voting32FPP
30 Mar 24 i i ii+- Re: Mail-In Voting1moviePig
30 Mar 24 i i ii`* Re: Mail-In Voting30BTR1701
31 Mar 24 i i ii +* Re: Mail-In Voting4FPP
1 Apr 24 i i ii i`* Re: Mail-In Voting3FPP
1 Apr 24 i i ii i +- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
2 Apr 24 i i ii i `- Re: Mail-In Voting1trotsky
31 Mar 24 i i ii `* Re: Mail-In Voting25FPP
31 Mar 24 i i ii  +- Re: Mail-In Voting1trotsky
31 Mar 24 i i ii  `* Re: Mail-In Voting23BTR1701
1 Apr 24 i i ii   `* Re: Mail-In Voting22FPP
1 Apr 24 i i ii    `* Re: Mail-In Voting21FPP
2 Apr 24 i i ii     `* Re: Mail-In Voting20BTR1701
2 Apr 24 i i ii      +* Re: Mail-In Voting2moviePig
2 Apr 24 i i ii      i`- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
2 Apr 24 i i ii      `* Re: Mail-In Voting17FPP
2 Apr 24 i i ii       `* Re: Mail-In Voting16BTR1701
3 Apr 24 i i ii        +* Re: Mail-In Voting11FPP
4 Apr 24 i i ii        i`* Re: Mail-In Voting10FPP
4 Apr 24 i i ii        i +* Re: Mail-In Voting8BTR1701
4 Apr 24 i i ii        i i`* Re: Mail-In Voting7FPP
4 Apr 24 i i ii        i i `* Re: Mail-In Voting6BTR1701
5 Apr 24 i i ii        i i  `* Re: Mail-In Voting5FPP
5 Apr 24 i i ii        i i   `* Re: Mail-In Voting4BTR1701
5 Apr 24 i i ii        i i    +* Re: Mail-In Voting2FPP
5 Apr 24 i i ii        i i    i`- Re: Mail-In Voting1Ubiquitous
5 Apr 24 i i ii        i i    `- Re: Mail-In Voting1Ubiquitous
4 Apr 24 i i ii        i `- Re: Mail-In Voting1trotsky
3 Apr 24 i i ii        `* Re: Mail-In Voting4FPP
5 Apr 24 i i ii         +- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
5 Apr 24 i i ii         +- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
9 Apr 24 i i ii         `- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
30 Mar 24 i i i`- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
29 Mar 24 i i +- Re: Mail-In Voting1moviePig
30 Mar 24 i i +- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
30 Mar 24 i i `- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
30 Mar 24 i `- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
8 Apr 24 +* Re: Mail-In Voting2Adam H. Kerman
8 Apr 24 i`- Re: Mail-In Voting1Ubiquitous
9 Apr 24 +* Re: Mail-In Voting31FPP
9 Apr 24 i`* Re: Mail-In Voting30BTR1701
9 Apr 24 i +- Re: Mail-In Voting1Adam H. Kerman
9 Apr 24 i +* Re: Mail-In Voting24Adam H. Kerman
9 Apr 24 i i+* Re: Mail-In Voting21suzeeq
10 Apr 24 i ii+* Re: Mail-In Voting5FPP
10 Apr 24 i iii+* Re: Mail-In Voting3BTR1701
11 Apr 24 i iiii+- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
11 Apr 24 i iiii`- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
11 Apr 24 i iii`- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
10 Apr 24 i ii`* Re: Mail-In Voting15Adam H. Kerman
10 Apr 24 i ii +* Re: Mail-In Voting2shawn
10 Apr 24 i ii i`- Re: Mail-In Voting1Adam H. Kerman
10 Apr 24 i ii `* Re: Mail-In Voting12suzeeq
10 Apr 24 i ii  `* Re: Mail-In Voting11Adam H. Kerman
10 Apr 24 i ii   +* Re: Mail-In Voting3suzeeq
10 Apr 24 i ii   i`* Re: Mail-In Voting2Adam H. Kerman
10 Apr 24 i ii   i `- Re: Mail-In Voting1suzeeq
10 Apr 24 i ii   +* Re: Mail-In Voting2Adam H. Kerman
10 Apr 24 i ii   i`- Re: Mail-In Voting1BTR1701
11 Apr 24 i ii   `* Re: Mail-In Voting5BTR1701
11 Apr 24 i ii    +- Re: Mail-In Voting1Adam H. Kerman
11 Apr 24 i ii    +- Re: Mail-In Voting1BTR1701
12 Apr 24 i ii    +- Re: Mail-In Voting1super70s
13 Apr 24 i ii    `- Re: Mail-In Voting1trotsky
11 Apr 24 i i`* Re: Mail-In Voting2super70s
11 Apr 24 i i `- Re: Mail-In Voting1Adam H. Kerman
9 Apr 24 i +* Re: Mail-In Voting2shawn
10 Apr 24 i i`- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
10 Apr 24 i +- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
10 Apr 24 i `- Re: Mail-In Voting1FPP
13 Apr 24 `* Re: Mail-In Voting2super70s
13 Apr 24  `- Re: Mail-In Voting1Adam H. Kerman

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