Re: Cops with a lot of money on TV

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Sujet : Re: Cops with a lot of money on TV
De : suzeeq (at) *nospam* (suzeeq)
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Date : 23. Apr 2024, 21:14:37
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On 4/23/2024 10:04 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
suzeeq <> wrote:
On 4/23/2024 8:53 AM, David Lesher wrote:
Doesn't anyone remember "Burke's Law.."?
He was a PI, not a cop.
 He was Captain Amos Burke, of LA homicide.
Okay, but maybe he inherited it. Or he was the crookedest cop ever....

Date Sujet#  Auteur
23 Apr 24 * Re: Cops with a lot of money on TV6David Lesher
23 Apr 24 `* Re: Cops with a lot of money on TV5suzeeq
23 Apr 24  `* Re: Cops with a lot of money on TV4suzeeq
23 Apr 24   `* Re: Cops with a lot of money on TV3Adam H. Kerman
23 Apr 24    `* Re: Cops with a lot of money on TV2suzeeq
24 Apr 24     `- Re: Cops with a lot of money on TV1suzeeq

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