Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect

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Sujet : Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect
De : gmsingh (at) *nospam* (trotsky)
Groupes :
Date : 28. Apr 2024, 22:11:18
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <17ca8aabf758cb99$3442$291924$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 4/28/24 1:10 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
On Apr 28, 2024 at 7:41:19 AM PDT, ""Kurt" <Sphincter) Schlichter"
<> wrote:
California is witnessing a wave of job losses in the fast food industry as
the state prepares to implement a new minimum wage of $20 per hour next
week. According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, many
restaurants, particularly pizzerias, are making significant cuts in
response to the impending wage hike.
 The 'progressive' socialists in the State Assembly are furious over this.
They're said to be mulling a law that would prohibit firing employees to save
labor costs and/or to replace them with automation.
 The communists running things here are bound and determined to manage this
economy even if it kills them.
I'm not sure if you're heard this but governance is hard.  And bloviating, pontificating assholes such as yourself do nothing to help. Or do I have this wrong? Are you doing any form of community activism to help with any of the issues you whine and piss and moan and bitch about?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
28 Apr 24 * Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect4BTR1701
28 Apr 24 +- Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect1trotsky
29 Apr 24 +- Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect1Rhino
1 May 24 `- Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect1Ubiquitous

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