Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect

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Sujet : Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
Groupes :
Date : 29. Apr 2024, 00:35:01
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Sun, 28 Apr 2024 18:10:44 +0000
BTR1701 <> wrote:

On Apr 28, 2024 at 7:41:19 AM PDT, ""Kurt" <Sphincter) Schlichter"
<> wrote:
California is witnessing a wave of job losses in the fast food
industry as the state prepares to implement a new minimum wage of
$20 per hour next week. According to a report from The Wall Street
Journal, many restaurants, particularly pizzerias, are making
significant cuts in response to the impending wage hike. 
The 'progressive' socialists in the State Assembly are furious over
this. They're said to be mulling a law that would prohibit firing
employees to save labor costs and/or to replace them with automation.
The communists running things here are bound and determined to manage
this economy even if it kills them.
The California communists will not manage their economy any better than
their counterparts in the Soviet Union or Warsaw Pact countries did.
They are utterly incompetent at managing an economy, which is
hilarious because their god, Marx, fancied himself an economist while
being completely unable to manage his own family's finances. If you
read a proper history of the Warsaw Pact countries after WWII, they
started out with economies that were largely destroyed by the war and
the German occupation, just like the countries in Western Europe.
Within the space of just 5 years, the western European countries were
much more prosperous than the ones in eastern Europe. The difference?
Eastern Europe followed a communist model and Western Europe did not.

The comrades in the California legislature think they can set any
minimum wage they like and businesses will just dig ever deeper in
their pockets, which are overflowing with money from their "oppression"
of workers and customers, to pay the wage they set. They don't think a
for-profit business can fail because they know nothing about business
and managing costs. They don't really care anyway. In fact, if the
businesses fail, that is a victory against the evil capitalists and the
workers are better off because they are out from under the thumb of the
business owners. The fact that workers will be bitter against the
government for forcing them out of work won't even cross their
pea-sized brains until it's way too late.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
28 Apr 24 * Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect4BTR1701
28 Apr 24 +- Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect1trotsky
29 Apr 24 +- Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect1Rhino
1 May 24 `- Re: California Fast Food Workers Are Losing Their Jobs As Minimum Wage Law Take Effect1Ubiquitous

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