Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)

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Sujet : Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)
De : arthur (at) *nospam* (Arthur Lipscomb)
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Date : 01. May 2024, 16:04:50
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 5/1/2024 6:00 AM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
On 5/1/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
What did you watch?
 I had stuff to do yesterday, so ABC got left on as background noise. Before that, I had gotten to:
 soaps: Both Mon's ep's.
    DOOL - NuTheresa finds out that Alex and Kristen "did it" (if this isn't enough to get her to drop him, nothing will!). Later, Constantine wants Theresa to break into Maggie's safe to remove the pre-nup agreement, but Theresa demurs at the idiocy of getting her to try to do a caper like this. So Constantine activates "The Pawn". Meanwhile, Tripp and Wendy are getting ready to leave town, and so start saying their goodbyes.
    GH - NuKristina runs across Dex, and asks him if Kristina's claim about eliminating Cyrus Renault is true, and Dex basically confirms it; later, Joss apologizes to Dex about it. Ava visits (Temp?!)Nikolas in prison, to crow about her new place in Sonny's life, and Nikolas predictably warns her to be careful, and that Sonny will retaliate once he finds out that Ava knew about his medication being underdoses, and didn't tell him. Valentin visits John Brennan in prison (secretly), and it's revealed that, 1) Valentin arranged for Sonny's medication to be under-dosed, and 2) that Valentin is probably the one running Pikeman in the interim! Anna discusses her suspicions with Valentin about Jason. Agent Cates quizzes Carly about getting the hotel back, and then goes and threatens Jason over it; Anna warns Cates that he's over-playing his hand. Drew pitches dumb Willow and Michael, and Nina bursts in; after, Nina pitches more revenge! REVENGE! schemes at Drew, and then they "do it" again!
 Wheel - A very annoying woman won, though her solving the final puzzle was impressive.
 Will Trent - Episode #2.?. Will and Faith get caught at some party which gets taken over by armed gunman/robbers. While Will (under cover?) plays along with the armed robbers/hostage takers, Faith goes all John McClane on them!! After the ruckus, Will and Angie (Erika Christensen) make out! Whoa!!
 The Cookie - Episode #6.?. I hadn't intend to even pay attention to this, but when I looked up, Danielle Campbell's cop shrink was on, riding-along and shrinking Bradford, so I had to watch that!! The 'A' story was a missing (or kidnapped?) teen nanny, which led to the revelation that a second teen was also missing. So nearly everyone, incl. Bradford, go frantically searching for them. (Um, why were the two detectives involved in this case at all?!) And because Bradford and Lucy were partnered, Commander Gray rides along as Lucy's partner. Lucy is still reeling from the breakup, and her cutie sister was about to end her visit with Lucy.
  What did you watch?
I watched:
Dead Boy Detectives (Netflix) - I binged through 3 more episodes.
"The Case of the Lighthouse Leapers" - The gang are hired by a lighthouse ghost to figure out why people keep committing suicide at the lighthouse causing the lighthouse to have new ghosts.  The original ghost wants the new ghosts gone!  But no one cares about their stupid cases of the week!  Meanwhile the "Night Nurse" (Ruth Connell from Supernatural) tracks the boys down and tries to force them back to the afterlife, but they won't go without a fight. To my surprise Jayden (the muscle of the team) was able to defeat her in a fight using one of the magical items in his magic bag.  Or at least temporarily get rid of her.
"The Case of the Two Dead Dragons"  - "They're off on another stupid case."  The case of the week involves solving the murder of two teenage jocks.  This show about two ghosts solving mysteries would be better if they didn't waste time solving mysteries.  The side story involved their landlord (who I haven't bothered to mention before now but is a regular on the show) meets her secret admirer and things don't go very well.
Oh, and the demon is still hanging around trying to repossess Crystal.
"The Case of the Creeping Forest" The Witch, The Cat King, The Demon, and The Night Nurse all get to shine without a stupid case of the week getting in the way.  This was probably the best episode yet.  OK, so technically there was a case of the week, but it was a fake case set up by the Witch, so it doesn't count.  Huge cliffhanger ending.  Gur Avtug Ahefr genpx qbja gur oblf naq cercnerf gb fraq Rqjva onpx gb uryy naq Puneyrf onpx gb gur nsgre yvar cebprffvat qrcnegzrag gb svther bhg jurer gb fraq uvz.  Ohg gur oblf pbaivapr ure Rqjva jnf frag gb uryy ol n pyrevpny reebe naq qbrf abg orybat va uryy.  Whfg nf guvatf ner ybbxvat tbbq n qrzba sebz uryy ohefgf va naq qentf Puneyrf gb uryy.
"To Be Continued."

Date Sujet#  Auteur
1 May 24 * What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)4Ubiquitous
1 May 24 +* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)2Ian J. Ball
1 May 24 i`- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)1Arthur Lipscomb
2 May 24 `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)1shawn

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