Most actors struggle to make a living

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Sujet : Most actors struggle to make a living
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 02. May 2024, 00:51:24
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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Chicago has long had a vibrant theater scene, from storefront theaters
to large downtown venues that get road shows from Broadway. Chicago has
also originated plenty of shows that get to Broadway later.

The main union is Actors Equity. Note that this union was not part of
the merger between movie actors (SAG) and tv (and radio) actors AFTRA. I
guess in Chicago and New York, theater actors who also get tv work must
belong to multiple unions.

Pay for non-Equity productions -- storefront theater -- sucks. Even top
performers work full time jobs.

They don't have local statistics, but the median wage in national
statistics was $21.88 in 2020. It dropped 6% by 2023 to $20.50 an hour.
Nearly no one was paid for several years during COVID.

The wages received by just one overpaid actor on tv that draws a
negligible audience (compared to the days of three broadcast networks)
could pay the wages of several entire companies of non-Equity theater.

You really have to love what you are doing.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
2 May 24 o Most actors struggle to make a living1Adam H. Kerman

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