Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)

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Sujet : Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)
De : nanoflower (at) *nospam* (shawn)
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Date : 02. May 2024, 06:07:40
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Wed, 1 May 2024 20:56:21 -0700, anim8rfsk <>

Ubiquitous <> wrote:
I watched:
I’ll be happy to help humiliate Oberman anyway anytime.
What did you watch?
Hey, thanks for asking!
A typically boring competently made but uninspired entry into the genre. No
interesting camera angles or lighting, but nothing that screams student
film either.
The replacement daughter herself is a cutie pie and a so-so actress. I
suspect she had a so-so Director as well.
Stacy, hi Duke is the stand out here. I didn’t even recognize her in her
first and final scenes. That red hair she was famous for is gone for blonde
hair with lots of black root. Now, at her age, does she really still have
black roots? How the hell do they do this does she die her hair black and
then bleach it blonde but not all the way down and then touch up the roots
constantly or what?

I really want to do a search for Stacy hi Duke to see if such a person
exists. LOL.

So as the psychotic murderous replacement mother, she just acts exactly
like she has in every other role all the way back to Lana Lang. Which at
first seemed lazy, but as it went, actually worked for her because she
wasn’t acting evil, which made her kind of scarier.
There are an incredible number of WTF moments in this partly because most
of the information we get is from an unreliable narrator, and we really
never do understand what happened or why.
There’s a cute bit at the end where the improbably young doctor looks so
much like The replacement daughter that I actually checked IMDb to make
sure it wasn’t the same actress.
Let's go Brandon!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
1 May 24 * What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)4Ubiquitous
1 May 24 +* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)2Ian J. Ball
1 May 24 i`- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)1Arthur Lipscomb
2 May 24 `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-30 (Tuesday)1shawn

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