"JUDGED By Matt Walsh" Ep. 5 Deals With Boundaries And A Naughty Santa

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De : weberm (at) *nospam* polaris.net (Ubiquitous)
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Date : 02. May 2024, 10:30:44
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Court is back in session with the Honorable Matt Walsh presiding. Episode 5
of �Judged by Matt Walsh� was just as full of twists and turns as the four
that preceded it. The theme of this week was �boundaries� � or lack thereof.

First up, plaintiff Sabine Beauchamp explained how she was suing her brother
for engaging in a romantic relationship with her boyfriend and causing her
�emotional distress.� She was seeking $2,000 to account for her emotional
turmoil plus all the money she put into the relationship.

�I found out that he was sleeping with my man at the time,� Beauchamp began
before Judge Walsh cut her off.

�I already don�t want to hear anything else about this case. Case dismissed,�
he replied, before reluctantly agreeing to hear more details about the
sibling drama.

Beauchamp went on to discuss how she�s very close with her brother and
started sharing details about a new boyfriend she met on Tinder. The
plaintiff said she must have told her brother �too many details� because it
made him want to also become involved with the man she was seeing.

Next, Beauchamp described introducing her boyfriend to her brother after six
months of dating. During the introduction, which took place at a bar, she
recalls them giving each other �googly eyes.�

Judge Walsh asked the bailiff to describe �googly eyes.� The bailiff said
they come from the arts and crafts store, which caused the judge to
temporarily lose his patience and bang the gavel.

�Are you telling me that a woman has never given you googly eyes? Is that
what I�m getting from this?� Walsh asked, which caused the bailiff to hang
his head. �Why did it have to get sad like that?� Walsh said.

Beauchamp continued laying out her case. She said her brother went to use the
bathroom, and a few minutes later her brother also said he had to go to the
bathroom. Walsh observed that while women are known to use the restroom at
the same time, it�s not as common for men.

�In fact, if I notice that I�m going to the bathroom and there�s a guy that I
know also going to the bathroom that I�m going to, I don�t want to go be in
the bathroom at the same time as him. So one of us has to peel off. This
should be suspicious to you � not just suspicious, but this is like a glaring
warning sign that something�s going on,� the wise judge said.

Defendant Jam Dubuisson insisted that nothing was going on between him and
his sister�s boyfriend. The bailiff was instructed to read text messages
submitted as evidence, which he did with the added flair of making a kissing
noise to reflect the kissing face emoji.

The text message reading got even wilder as the bailiff imitated the see no
evil monkey emoji after comments made about how the other person�s body looks
in certain outfits.

�Please take these out back and burn them,� Judge Walsh instructed the
bailiff after viewing printouts of the text exchange

Dubuisson denied that the text messages were from him. �My sister has a
tendency that when things go wrong, she comes up with somebody else to
blame,� he said before producing texts of his own which he claimed proved
Beauchamp and her boyfriend broke up because she admitted to cheating.

The bailiff acted out the text exchange once again, sending the courtroom
into fits of laughter.

�I think back to a time just this morning when I hadn�t met either of you or
heard your story. And I wish I could recapture that lost innocence, that
ignorant bliss, that happiness that is now gone from my life forever,� Walsh
said before awarding damages.

Tune into the full episode to find out how Judge Walsh ruled on the dispute.

Next up, plaintiff Rick Shaw stood before the mighty throne of justice,
seeking to be paid for batteries he picked up while at work. Shaw said he
works as a professional Santa Claus. He clarified that he �didn�t do malls�
but rather visited people�s houses �where they�re comfortable.�

After some confusion over whether Shaw asked the defendant, Deanna Maye, for
money to reimburse him for purchasing batteries, which he first claimed to
not remember doing, more drama about the situation was revealed.

Shaw said he asked the defendant at one point if she would be his �number one

�Now, I want you to think long and hard about this question before you answer
it. But when you looked at Miss Maye, what made you think, oh, she�d be a
great elf?� Walsh asked.

�Because she�s little,� Shaw replied.

�So you looked at her and said, �Oh, you�re short. You could be an elf,�
Walsh replied.

�Yeah,� Shaw said.

�Wait, are there not services that Santas can go to to find an elf?�

�I�m sure they are, Your Honor.�

�Is there not, like, a Craigslist for short people?�

�You�re right,� Shaw said. �There could be, but I just happened to meet this
lady and thought she would be perfect for the job.�

Shaw next described how he had a tendency to �run his mouth,� which led to
him referring to the defendant�s mother as his �future mother-in-law.�

Judge Walsh confirmed that Shaw was already married. He next made an astute
observation. �I�m going to go out on a limb on this one,� Walsh said. �Your
current marriage is not your first?�

�Oh, no, no,� Shaw responded.

�How many times have you been married?� Walsh asked.

�Uh, the lady I�m married to now is number seven,� the plaintiff admitted.

Next up was Maye�s chance to tell her side of the story.

She said she did agree to work as an elf alongside Shaw, as a volunteer,
despite what she perceived as inappropriate behavior on set together in the
past. Maye produced proof of herself setting boundaries with Shaw after he
allegedly proposed to her while they were working together for the second

The bailiff was again asked to read the text exchange. For Shaw�s messages,
he threw in a few �Ho Ho Hos,� which Judge Walsh chastised him for.

�You�re submitting things into evidence that are false. That�s perjury.
You�re committing perjury,� Walsh said as the courtroom erupted in laughter.

Following deliberation, Judge Walsh delivered the verdict.

Watch the full episode to see the final ruling, and be sure to tune in every
Tuesday for new episodes of �JUDGED by Matt Walsh,� exclusively on DailyWire

Let's go Brandon!

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