Re: The Gentrification Two-Step

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Sujet : Re: The Gentrification Two-Step
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 05. May 2024, 23:36:30
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In article
 anim8rfsk <> wrote:

The Horny Goat <> wrote:
On Sun, 05 May 2024 19:28:04 +0000, BTR1701 <> wrote:
That's interesting. I wonder if "how much money you have" is a protected
It's not. There's a huge push now in California for the government to
base everything from your electric bill to your car registration fee
to traffic fines on how much money you make. It won't be long before
you're going to have to submit your IRS returns to the court just to
find out how much that parking ticket is going to be.
So were I in California I'd be in a pretty good place since retirement
since my overall income is quite low though I have a moderate paid for
home and a reasonable but not exorbitant what you folks would call an
IRA which is in investments that won't mature for 3 more years (which
is Canada would be the age that you must by law start drawing down an
income from your fund).
In other words pretty much the textbook example of "asset rich, income

They'll just get around both you worthless privileged slackers by basing
it on net worth rather than yearly income.

Don't you know that the government needs your money more than you do?
They have to pay some idiot college kid's student loans so he'll vote
for them. How dare you keep it from them?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 May 24 * The Gentrification Two-Step15BTR1701
4 May 24 +* Re: The Gentrification Two-Step2FPP
4 May 24 i`- Re: The Gentrification Two-Step1trotsky
4 May 24 +- Re: The Gentrification Two-Step1trotsky
4 May 24 +- Re: The Gentrification Two-Step1moviePig
4 May 24 `* Re: The Gentrification Two-Step10Dimensional Traveler
5 May 24  `* Re: The Gentrification Two-Step9BTR1701
5 May 24   +* Re: The Gentrification Two-Step2shawn
6 May 24   i`- Re: The Gentrification Two-Step1Ubiquitous
5 May 24   +* Re: The Gentrification Two-Step5BTR1701
6 May 24   i+- Re: The Gentrification Two-Step1Ubiquitous
6 May 24   i+- Re: The Gentrification Two-Step1FPP
7 May 24   i+- Re: The Gentrification Two-Step1trotsky
8 May 24   i`- Re: The Gentrification Two-Step1Dimensional Traveler
6 May 24   `- Re: The Gentrification Two-Step1moviePig

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