Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.

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Sujet : Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.
De : nobody (at) *nospam* (moviePig)
Groupes :
Date : 06. May 2024, 00:53:53
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v192m2$241ir$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5
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On 5/5/2024 12:45 AM, shawn wrote:
On Sat, 4 May 2024 23:53:05 -0400, moviePig <>
On 5/4/2024 7:27 PM, anim8rfsk wrote:
moviePig <> wrote:
On 5/4/2024 5:16 PM, Rhino wrote:
An interesting video about Chinese EVs and why you really shouldn't buy
one, despite the usually attractive price:
I'm not expert enough to know whether to trust that guy and his video.
Most Chinese manufacturing is like that
Still, I remember a time when that was Japan's rep.  And then it wasn't.
 The problem with China being that the market place is so large that
there will always be companies in the country with a justified bad
reputation even if most of the products were well made.
Point being, there's a lot of money that would like to strangle Chinese
EVs in their infancy ...and I don't know this video guy from Elvis.
 This guy has been reporting and even living in China for years. Mostly
reporting on the dark side of the country. Things that others have
reported on like the cities that were built but no one lives in or the
short cuts many construction companies have taken over the years. Even
the EV issues have been reported by other people.
 Does that mean that all EVs from China are junk? No, but it does mean
that the buyer needs to be cautious and make sure they know what they
are likely getting and not just go for the cheapest product. It's not
that all Chinese products are awful but that with such a large market
it's easy for fly by night companies to form and rip people off.
I could see your description as indicative of a market where a savvy buyer could find quality bargains.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 May 24 * [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.11Rhino
5 May 24 +* Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.9moviePig
5 May 24 i+* Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.2Your Name
5 May 24 ii`- Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.1moviePig
5 May 24 i+* Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.4moviePig
5 May 24 ii`* Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.3shawn
5 May 24 ii +- Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.1Your Name
6 May 24 ii `- Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.1moviePig
5 May 24 i`* Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.2Your Name
6 May 24 i `- Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.1Your Name
5 May 24 `- Re: [OT] Thinking of buying a Chinese EV? Here's why you shouldn't.1Ubiquitous

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