[media] ABC News Pres. Kim Godwin stepping down

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Sujet : [media] ABC News Pres. Kim Godwin stepping down
De : dannyb (at) *nospam* panix.com (danny burstein)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 06. May 2024, 05:11:08
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Organisation : PANIX Public Access Internet and UNIX, NYC
Message-ID : <Pine.NEB.4.64.2405060310570.27798@panix2.panix.com>
ABC News President Kim Godwin stepped down Sunday night, months after a corporate restructuring that effectively stripped away much of her management autonomy.
"I have decided to retire from broadcast journalism," Godwin said in the email sent to staff Sunday night. "Anyone who's passionate about what we do knows there's no other business like it, so this was not an easy or quick decision. But after considerable reflection, I'm certain it's the right one for me as I look to the future and prioritize what's most important for me and my family."
Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
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Date Sujet#  Auteur
6 May 24 * [media] ABC News Pres. Kim Godwin stepping down2danny burstein
6 May 24 `- Re: [media] ABC News Pres. Kim Godwin stepping down1shawn

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