[OT] Brilliant police work

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Sujet : [OT] Brilliant police work
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* example.com (Rhino)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 10. May 2024, 00:46:06
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <20240509184606.00007f0c@example.com>
User-Agent : Claws Mail 4.2.0 (GTK 3.24.41; x86_64-w64-mingw32)
A truck driver from Newfoundland was making a run to Ontario, stopped
for fuel, and then went missing. The OPP (equivalent to the state
police in a US state) made an extensive search for him but came up
empty. Someone drove the abandoned truck back to Newfoundland. Only
then was the trucker found - in the trailer of his own truck!

The journalist who appears in the video actually asks the key question:
Did police even look in the back of his truck and if they did, how did
they fail to see him? (And, of course, if they didn't look in the
trailer, WHY NOT?)


Whoever organized the search for this guy really needs to take a
serious rip for this fiasco and, if he/sh e keeps their job, needs to
re-take the "search for missing people" course again.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 May 24 * [OT] Brilliant police work5Rhino
10 May 24 +* Re: [OT] Brilliant police work3Adam H. Kerman
10 May 24 i+- Re: [OT] Brilliant police work1shawn
11 May 24 i`- Re: [OT] Brilliant police work1Adam H. Kerman
10 May 24 `- Re: [OT] Brilliant police work1Rhino

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